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How can we use digital technologies to change our business model or create new opportunities and customer value? In the Digital Business track, you learn how to deal with digital challenges from a management perspective. This is 1 of 3 tracks for which you can opt in our 18-month part-time Executive MSc Programme in Management Studies, designed especially for ambitious professionals who want to broaden their knowledge of Business Administration as well as improve their strategic insight and decision skills.

What will you learn

From blockchain to artificial intelligence and from platform business models to IT disruptions: the transition into digital products, services and business models is having a tremendous impact, radically challenging and changing how we work, compete, cooperate, buy, sell and create value. It is also making it necessary for all industries to rewrite the rules, from marketing to logistics and from strategy to HRM. How can firms succeed in this new digital economy?

The Digital Business track will help you become a proactive leader in the ongoing digital transformation. How? By obtaining a deep understanding of the theories, strategies and techniques of digital business and at the same time gaining hands-on experience with leading methods and tools used in the field.

Track specific courses

  • Theories of Digital Business
    Period 1
    Period 4
  • Digital Marketing and Analytics
    Period 2
    Period 5
  • Leading Digital Business Transformation
    Period 2
    Period 5
  • Theories of Digital Business

    New digital practices and views on value creation, globalisation and entrepreneurship are emerging. Get a deeper understanding of issues, challenges and opportunities within the digital field, with a focus on creating business value through IT and big data.

    At the end of this course, you will be able to:

    • describe and explain leading theories, concepts, models, current research and debates in Digital Business, all within the general context of Business Administration;
    • analyse different views on these topics and work with a variety of perspectives;
    • apply these theories, concepts and models to practical issues and problems;
    • critically discuss the theories and their relevance for understanding the complexity and dynamics of the field of digital business.
  • Digital Marketing and Analytics

    Focus on concepts, approaches, theories and techniques that are used in the area of digital marketing and analytics.

    At the end of this course, you will be able to:

    • have a thorough understanding of the concepts, approaches and techniques used in the field of Digital Marketing and Analytics;
    • understand which of them/why could be applied for certain business cases/problems;
    • evaluate the findings in academic publications and research in business practice that are based on these concepts, approaches and techniques;
    • to have the ability to understand and draw implications from theories, approaches and techniques from the field of of Digital Marketing and Analytics.
  • Leading Digital Business Transformation

    Gain insight into how to model, innovate and transform customer interactions, business processes as well as business models through digital technologies and big data.

    At the end of this course, you will be able to:

    • explain why and how some companies survive digital transformation, while others do not;
    • understand how challengers/start-ups play a role in shaping the new competitive landscape for established companies;
    • discuss the effect of digital technologies’ characteristics on firm strategy;
    • evaluate the effects of organisational elements including management, business models, ecosystem, and design on companies’ digital transformations;
    • design strategies for incumbents to take advantage of digital transformation, for example creating/joining platforms, based on relevant theories and case studies.

Am I eligible?

Fill out the CV scan and we will inform you about your eligibility. We will respond within 5 business days.

Explore our 2 other tracks

Digital Business is 1 of 3 tracks in our part-time Executive Programme in Management Studies. If you are more interested in the management area of Strategy or Leadership & Management, read all information on these 2 tracks.