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What is the influence of employees on company success? How can we manage individuals, teams and the whole organisation in such a way that their behaviour aligns the best with the company goals? If you wish to deepen your knowledge to an academic level on leading and managing people in organisations, this track is for you. The Leadership & Management track is 1 of 3 tracks for which you can opt in our 18-month part-time Executive Programme in Management Studies, designed especially for ambitious professionals who want to broaden their knowledge of Business Administration as well as improve their strategic insight and decision skills.

What will you learn?

Human resources are increasingly important for organisations to be competitive. But how do you manage employees and teams effectively? Which leadership styles should you use? Become familiar with important theories and research results related to these crucial issues.

In the Leadership & Management track, you will learn what drives individual performance as well as why people succeed or fail in groups and organisations. You are challenged to switch between theory and practice, between the strategic and the operational level, and between the manager’s and the employee’s perspective, helping you to take more effective decisions as a current or future manager.

Track specific courses

  • Theories of Leadership and Management
    Period 1
    Period 4
  • Leadership
    Period 2
    Period 5
  • Managing People Strategically
    Period 2
    Period 5
  • Theories of  Leadership and Management

    Discuss and evaluate theories on the impact of leadership on the behaviour as well as the performance of individuals, teams and organisations. You can then use these theories to analyse organisational challenges in terms of leadership and management.

    At the end of this course, you will be able to:

    • understand and explain important theories related to leadership and management;
    • use these theories to analyse problems and challenges organisations face in terms of managing individuals, teams, and organisations;
    • critically reflect on these theories;
    • apply these theories to practical issues and problems.
  • Leadership

    Dive into the main current theories on leadership and research in the field of leadership, as well as address the major outcomes of leadership in terms of employee motivation and behaviour.

    Upon completion of the course students have:

    • an understanding of leadership and its effects in organisations;
    • an understanding of the ethical considerations and requirements for leadership in modern times;
    • the ability to independently conduct scientific research on questions related to leadership;
    • the ability to find, evaluate, and connect leadership-related scientific literature and apply this to practical questions and in specific contexts;
    • skills to present research results and practical implications in a clear, concise fashion;
    • the ability to cooperate and work in a team toward achieving a joint goal.
  • Managing People Strategically

    Draw on up-to-date human resource management theories. How do organisations seek to achieve a competitive advantage through people? What is the role of human resource management policy?

    At the end of this course, you will be able to:

    • identify and describe a number of theories from the social and management sciences that are relevant to management goals and problems;
    • describe and evaluate the empirical evidence supporting the value of these theories for helping managers meet organisational goals;
    • apply these theories diagnostically to the evaluation of management problems;
    • develop theoretically supported practical solutions to management goals;
    • employ these theories behaviorally during classroom exercises;
    • actively discuss these theories in the context of cases and practical exercises;
    • recall, explain, and evaluate the value of these theories for helping organizations meet their goals.

Am I eligible?

Fill out the CV scan and we will inform you about your eligibility. We will respond within 5 business days.

Explore our 2 other tracks

Leadership & Management is one of 3 tracks in our part-time Executive Programme in Management Studies. If you are more interested in the management area of Strategy or Digital Business, these might be for you.