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The Amsterdam Business School (ABS) is part of UvA Economics and Business and located at the Roeterseilandcampus. Within ABS, about 250 employees are actively operating for almost 5,000 Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD and post-academic students.

Management Team

Led by the chair of ABS, the Management Team (MT) is responsible for the strategy and daily operations of the ABS. Members of the MT are the Heads of Sections, Director of the Institute of Executive Programmes and the Executive Secretary to the Board. If you have questions about the ABS Management Team, please get in touch via

The chair of ABS is also one of the members of the Faculty Board of EB.

Sections and academic staff

Academic staff work in teaching and research as part of sections at the Amsterdam Business School (ABS). The sections are responsible for the deployment of staff in teaching and research, the implementation of HRM policies and personnel matters.