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The Amsterdam Business School's activities are with and for business. For business, because we aim to provide organisations with well-educated people with state-of the art knowledge. With business, because knowledge creation in the areas of business and management cannot take place without constant interaction with people in the work place.

Why a corporate partnership?

There are several reasons to start a corporate partnership with the Amsterdam Business School.

  • 1. Access to cutting-edge research

    For any innovative company, research and development is a key success factor for sustainable and profitable growth. However, research comes at a considerable cost and usually has a relatively long payback period. A company’s research is usually narrow-scoped, as it is driven by current business needs and limitations, while university research has a more scientific approach with a broader scope. It is led by the absolute top in their respective fields and carried out objectively, complying with the latest standards and insights. Our corporate partners not only have the advantage of having ‘first eyes’ on relevant research, but are even encouraged to actively contribute in its purpose and setup. In that way, they can use early insights in scientific research as a complementary tool for their own research, or even avoid in-house research projects which would require a considerably higher investment. It is also an option to sponsor a chair.

  • 2. Access to top talent

    For any growing company, or companies with growth ambitions, the 'war for talent' is a considerable challenge. Any manager with some experience understands and appreciates the tremendous difference a talented employee can make. Embedded in the culture of the University of Amsterdam, and the central part of our positioning as a university, is the fact that we foster independent minds that make a difference in business and society. Our students are encouraged to occasionally deviate from the paved path and think outside the box. This is one of the factors that makes them different from ‘average’. Corporate partners are offered the opportunity to actively approach students for internships or company visits, hence creating an early relationship with talented potential future employees.

  • 3. Access to training opportunities for your staff

    Either ‘tailor-made’ company-specific, or in an open enrolment programme, as a corporate partner, you are offered the opportunity to fully benefit from well-developed courses and modules, taught by the very top in their field.

  • 4. Access to company-visibility platforms

    Corporate partners can attend to or even participate in workshops and seminars organised by the University of Amsterdam and/or the Amsterdam Business School. Also, guest lecturers of companies often share their insights and knowledge in front of student groups. Finally, some corporate partners offer scholarships to exceptionally talented students as an early recruitment tool that simultaneously creates considerable brand awareness.

The Amsterdam Living Case Lab

Is your company facing (or recently solved) a challenge that you would like to share with students? Are you looking for fresh insights from our bright students? The Amsterdam Living Case Lab is looking for companies to partner with courses for live cases.


Are you interested in the possibilities of partnering with the Amsterdam Business School? Please contact us.