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The Amsterdam Business School aims to create a stimulating environment for researchers. Core policy within our school is that significant research publications are awarded with research time. Ethics and integrity are core values of our academic research and education. Read more below about how we safeguard our ambitions of conducting ‘good research’.
  • Academic integrity at the University of Amsterdam

    An overview of policy about ethics and academic integrity at the University of Amsterdam includes guidelines, explaining all relevant procedures and rules for research ethics and academic integrity.

    Furthermore, in 2017 a research commission of the University of Amsterdam has published an advisory report with recommendations for maintaining academic and ethical integrity. The full advisory report is available to UvA employees on the staff website (in Dutch). 

  • Economics and Business Ethics Committee (EBEC)

    Research projects at Amsterdam Business School must be assessed by the Economics and Business Ethics Committee for approval. The EBEC aims to assess the ethical aspects of research carried out under the responsibility of faculty at the University of Amsterdam, Economics and Business. The committee will focus primarily on assessing research proposals using field or laboratory experiments.

  • Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice

    Faculty at Amsterdam Business School are encouraged to engage in an open, consultative research environment that is oriented towards integrity and ethical behaviour. All of our faculty are expected to comply with the principles of a professional and scientific approach at all times. The University of Amsterdam has adopted the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice which elaborates standards and guidelines for good research.

  • Research data management

    An extended overview of information about the usage of data (sets) for scientific purposes at the University of Amsterdam includes practical information about the many important aspects concerning the use, sharing and storage of data, e.g. searching through scientific datasets, ict applications, about a how to set up a management plan, and data policy guidelines. A research data management protocol, adopted by the Faculty Board and reviewed by the Works Council, came into into effect on 1 March 2020. In line with UvA guidelines, all researchers are expected to adhere to the protocol. This document includes information on your research data management plan, what data is collected, how it is collected, and how your data is stored. Contact for Amsterdam Business School are Bas Bouten (Head of Administration) and Thomas Gales (Data Steward).

  • Research publication criteria

    Amsterdam Business School and has set up a system to award research time to good researchers on the basis of their publications. Information on the system and the journal list can be found below. The list provides information about journals that Business School staff are likely to publish in and ranks them according to their scholarly prestige.

  • Research standards

    In terms of reporting standards Amsterdam Business School refers to the standards used  in various (sub)disciplines. Below we present some examples of reporting guidelines. In case a researcher is not sure about what applies, (s)he can discuss this with the research institute. Furthermore, in line with UvA policies, Amsterdam Business School has compiled a document with some standards, guidelines and tools meant to support ethical management of data associated with research projects. In the protocol (document below) relevant links to other websites are given.

  • Authorship and supervision