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The Amsterdam Business School is located on the Roeterseiland Campus of the University of Amsterdam.
Roeterseilandcampus - building M

Plantage Muidergracht 12
1018 TV Amsterdam

Route by car (from all directions)

  • Follow Ring Amsterdam A10.
  • Take Exit S114 (direction Centrum, Artis, Zeeburg).
  • Turn left after leaving the P. Heintunnel (Panamaweg).
  • Follow Centrumring (S100, Zeeburgerdijk, Mauritskade).
  • Turn right after traffic lights on Mauritskade (direction Artis, Centrum, Oostzijde).
  • Continue straight onto Plantage Middenlaan.
  • Turn left at traffic lights (Plantage Kerklaan).
  • The Amsterdam Business School is located in the building on the corner on the left.

Route by public transport

From Schiphol Airport: 

  • Take the train to Amsterdam Central Station.
  • Follow the directions below.

From Amsterdam Central Station:

  • Take the metro, in any direction to stop Weesperplein. This is the 3rd stop. Follow the signs to exit Roetersstraat to ground level and turn right.
  • Take tram 14 to stop Plantage Kerklaan. Turn right at the junction. After a few minutes walking, you will find the Amsterdam Business School on the corner on the left.

From other directions:

  • Take the metro in the direction of Central Station (lines 51, 53 and 54) to stop Weesperplein. Follow the signs to exit Roetersstraat to ground level and turn right.
  • Take tram 1 or 7 to stop Weesperplein. Walk away from the busy junction, towards the Hyatt Regency Amsterdam hotel (Sarphatistraat 104). Turn left. After a few minutes walking, you will find the Amsterdam Business School on the corner on the right.