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The mission and vision of Amsterdam Business School explicitly state that we want to foster independent minds that have an impact on international business and society. We take the societal aspect of this mission and vision very seriously through particular attention to ethics, responsibility and sustainability in research, education and outreach activities. Amsterdam Business School has been working on these issues since its inception.

Principles of Responsible Management Education

Topics such as corporate governance, corporate responsibility and sustainability have traditionally had an important role in the Amsterdam Business School’s educational programmes, research endeavours, engagement with a wide range of stakeholders and every day operations. We are proud of the progress we have made in all these fronts. Ethics, responsibility and sustainability themes are fairly integrated in our teaching programmes, with several specialised courses available for deeper knowledge.

The large number of scholars focusing or interested in these topics makes Amsterdam a hub for relevant research talent. Furthermore, our business school engages in a range of partnerships in this area, with the aim to link to emerging technological developments such as big data. We have signed up to the Principles for Responsible Management Education, an initiative that aims to inspire and champion responsible management education, research and thought leadership globally. 

Other networks in sustainability & corporate responsibility
Core value implementation
  • Generic policies

    With regard to sustainability & corporate responsibility, our approach is embedded in the generic policies and procedures adopted at the level of the university, sometimes as part of national agreements.

  • Faculty members

    Corporate responsibility has been an area of specific interest at Amsterdam Business School for several years, both as specific expertise of researchers who are also embedded in their disciplinary areas and, for others, as one of the topics of interest within a wider portfolio.

    Please find an overview of faculty members whose research interests are conneted to ESG:

    • Prof. Frank Belschak (Full professor): Ethical leadership
    • Dr Sanjay Bissessur (Assistant professor): Earnings management
    • Dr Siri Boe-Lillegraven (Assistant professor): Inter-firm collaboration, strategic foresight
    • Prof. Arnoud Boot (Full professor): Corporate governance and financial markets
    • Dr Niek Brunsveld (Lecturer): Research, innovation and sustainability
    • Prof. Willemijn van Dolen (Full professor): CSR and marketing
    • Dr Martijn Dröes (Assistant professor): Home ownership, renewable energy
    • Dr Georgios Georgakopoulos (Assistant professor): Social and environmental account reporting
    • Dr Panikos Georgallis (Assistant Professor): Moral markets and renewable energy
    • Prof. Deanne den Hartog (Full professor): Ethical leadership
    • Dr Ilir Haxhi (Assistant professor): Strategy and corporate governance
    • Dr Annebel de Hoogh (Associate professor): Ethical leadership
    • Dr Torsten Jochem (Assistant professor): Governance and (local) democracy
    • Prof. Ans Kolk (Full professor): Corporate responsibility and sustainability in international business
    • Dr Sebastian Kortmann (Associate professor): Strategy, innovation, co-creation and sustainability
    • Dr Arno Kourula (Associate professor): Corporate responsibility and sustainability
    • Dr Tomislav Ladika (Assistant professor): CEO pay, corporate governance
    • Dr Bart Lameijer (Assistant professor): Continuous improvement and sustainability
    • Dr François Lenfant (Postdoctoral researcher): Business, peace and conflict areas
    • Dr Frauke Mattison (Assistant professor): Privacy issues
    • Dr Stefan Mol (Assistant professor): Organizational Behaviour and Research Methods
    • Prof. Brendan O'Dwyer (Full professor): Corporate and NGO auditing and accountability
    • Prof. Sander Onderstal (Full Professor): Auctions, Industrial Organization, behavioural economics
    • Dr Markus Paukku (Lecturer): Inter-organizational alliances and sustainability
    • Prof. Enrico Perotti (Full professor): Corporate governance and corporate finance
    • Dr Niccolò Pisani (Assistant professor): International corporate social responsibility
    • Dr Peter Snoeren (Assistant professor): Stakeholder orientation
    • Prof. Jan-Willem Stoelhorst (Full Professor): Strategy, stakeholders and governance
    • Dr Mark van der Veen (Associate professor): Environmental management in strategy and marketing
    • Dr Pushpika Vishwanathan (Assistant professor): Corporate governance, stakeholder management and corporate social responsibility
    • Dr Marlene Vock (Assistant professor): Marketing and corporate social responsibility
    • Dr Vladimir Vladimirov (Associate professor): Bankruptcy law and indirect costs of bankruptcies
    • Dr Andrea Weihrauch (Assistant professor): Consumer reactions to new technologies
    • Dr Michelle Westermann-Behaylo (Assistant professor): Stakeholders, business and human rights and business and peace
  • Programmes

    Sustainability & corporate responsibility are important elements of the programmes we offer. They are included in the exit qualifications of programmes. These topics are also encompassed in the research of many of the faculty teaching in our programmes. In addition to dedicated courses in some programmes, ethics, responsibility and sustainability are often integrated in other courses.

  • Research

    Our research on sustainability & corporate responsibility encompasses people, planet and profit. It covers environmental, social as well as economic aspects, and their governance. Topics of research include i.a. companies and climate/energy (innovation, emission trading), consumers and sustainability/CSR, green innovation and product development, ethical leadership and CSR communication, branding and advertising.

    Most of our sections have researchers with an interest in these topics, but the sections Accounting, Leadership & Management and Strategy & International Business give them more structural attention.

George Molenkamp Sustainability Thesis Award

The George Molenkamp Sustainability Thesis Award is a collaborative initiative between KPMG and Amsterdam Business School and has been awarded annually since 2017. The award is in honour of Dr George Molenkamp, a pioneer in business sustainability, and a professor at the University of Amsterdam. Besides this, he held many other positions of responsibility in society and business.