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At the Amsterdam Business School, we ensure that our scientific research and business and management education have a significant societal impact and are of high quality. We offer an inspiring, internationally-oriented academic community that values academic excellence, critical thinking, entrepreneurial spirit, corporate engagement, and social responsibility.


Our mission is to offer an inspiring international learning community where staff and students can optimally develop their capacities.


We aim to be a leading European business school, known for high quality research and education, with focus in 5 key areas:

  • Responsible digital transformation
  • Welfare and healthcare
  • Resilient society and financial stability
  • Sustainability and environmental economics
  • Nudging for a better world

We strive to be outward looking, making a significant contribution to business and society.


We have 5 core values that define our education, research and operational processes:

  • Responsible
  • Critical Thinking
  • Analytical
  • Engaged
  • International

Strategic priorities

Our strategic priorities and vision on teaching, research, and personnel policy are determined by being part of the faculty UvA Economics and Business (UvA EB) and the University of Amsterdam and follows the Faculty Strategic Plan.