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Amsterdam Business School strives to facilitate excellent research, not only with necessary funding, but as well with outstanding resources and research networks. The Amsterdam Business School Behavioural Lab is an example of our hands-on approach to get involved in on the spot experimental research. Read more about what we offer.
  • Access to open data en datasets

    At Amsterdam Business School, researchers can make use of many database licenses that provide rich and societally relevant data and datasets for their research through the University Library. The University Library strives to make its collections as open as possible, including the data and metadata required to access these, and to make the products of education and research of the institutions of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and of education and research institutions across the globe as accessible as possible. Providing open access to the collection metadata in various ways and through various channels plays a central role in this regard.

    Collaboration with Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)

    An institutional collaboration with the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) enables university researchers to have access to a wealth of data on the Dutch economy and society through Statline.

    Membership organisation ODISSEI

    ODISSEI continues making funds available for employees of member organisations using CBS Microdata. UvA Economics and Business is a member organisation of ODISSEI. Via the Microdata Access Discount, employees of all member organisations can get a discount of up to 50% on their CBS Microdata projects. A condition is that projects should be financed via the first or second stream, or similar. Read more about ODISSEI and their data services on their website.

    Licenced applications:

    Audit Analytics
    Audit Analytics Accounting & Oversight
    Audit Analytics Europe
    Boardex US
    Capital IQ 
    CRSP Mutual Fund
    Eikon (only available for faculty from Finance Group, Strategy & International Business and Accounting)
    Eventus software
    IBES Management Forecasts
    LoPucki Bankruptcy filings
    Trucost Environmental Data
    US Optionmetrics
    Van Dijk databanken
    Bureau van Dijk Orbis Intellectual Property from Lighthouse IP 

    Open access:

    Robeco’s  Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Framework assesses individual companies’ contributions to the SDGs. It defines how companies’ core activities - the main products and services they deliver and the way they operate - are significantly positively or negatively impacting the SDGs. The scores that are assigned range from -3 (highly negative impact) to +3 (highly positive impact). A score of 0 signals that the company does not make a substantial contribution to the SDGs. Each company is scored on the 17 individual SDGs and subsequently receives a total SDG score that is indicative of its overall (positive or negative) contributions to the SDGs. Robeco has made its SDG scores for ~12,000 companies freely available for research purposes through its Open Access initiative.
    SDG Score dataset (Robeco)

  • Amsterdam Business School’s Behavioural lab

    The Amsterdam Business School’s Behavioural Laboratory is an academic research centre dedicated to the study of human activities that impact individual, team, or organisational performance, attitudes, and behaviours. Since 2016, researchers have used a diverse international subject pool to conduct cutting-edge behavioural research through laboratory experiments. These studies address a wide-range of managerially relevant topics and are available to all Amsterdam Business School faculty members and PhD students whose studies meet the Lab criteria. 

  • Funding

    The University of Amsterdam has a funding opportunity database which can be utilised by all UvA staff, academics and students looking for ways to fund their research. It is also a useful tool to locate funding opportunities for smaller grants such as a travel gran to attend a conference. You can ask the Research Institute (Bas Bouten) for the list or look at the IXA website for opportunities. IXA officer Soraya Mols can be contacted for support (and is at the ABS usually every week).  ABS also has a support scheme (see below).

    Dr. S.E.C. (Soraya) Mols

    ResearchConnect - The UvA Research Funding database

    ResearchConnect offers a specialist research funding database. Discover a range of funding opportunities available for universities and research institutions across the world. To access the database, you need to select 'log in via my institution' and choose 'University of Amsterdam'. You can sign in with your UvA email address or UvAnetID.