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The field of business administration hands us both substantiated models and new management ideas. Take a deep dive into their origins, discover what their possibilities and limitations are and how to apply them in your organisation. Explore the management field of your interest, by choosing 1 of our 3 tracks. Tailor your learning journey with additional electives. Either to deepen your specialisation or broaden your perspective. The Master's programme starts twice a year, in February and September and takes 1.5 years in 3 semesters. The lectures in semesters 1 and 2 will be on campus, the lectures in semester 3 will be online.

Pre-Master’s programme

If you do not meet the admission requirements for the Master’s programme yet, we offer a pre-Master’s programme. With the programme you will gain the necesarry skills and knowledge to start your MSc programme. The pre-Master starts twice a year too, in February and September.

The lectures of the pre-Master will be on campus on Fridays and can be online on Mondays after office hours from September 2025.

Master's programme

Choose 1 of the tracks in this MSc programme to explore the subject that fits your interests and ambitions. Each track starts with a general introduction to the theory. Next, you will engage in a more in-depth exploration of subjects through specific track courses.

Strategy track

Learn to develop effective and efficient business strategies to solve strategic problems. Unravel the theoretic origins of strategic corporate decisions and learn to find the right strategy for organisations from start-ups to global companies. With this track, you will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to tackle strategic management challenges.

  • Theories of Strategy
    Period 1
    Period 4

    Obtain knowledge of (competitive) strategy theories that are central to the current debates in the strategic management field. Develop the ability to critically assess these theories and use them to analyse business problems.

  • Strategy and Organisation Design
    Period 2
    Period 5

    Explore strategic organisational issues at different levels, from individual behaviour to intercompany relationships.

  • The Adaptive Organisation
    Period 2
    Period 5

    Develop an in-depth understanding of how organisations can maintain their connection with the environment to ensure their long-term survival and sustainable competitive advantage.


Digital Business track

Become a proactive leader in the ongoing digital transformation with the Digital Business track. How? By obtaining a solid understanding how to create value with IT, how to lead digital transformations and how to harness digital marketing and analytics. This multifaceted track gives you the expertise to span the boundary between business and IT and lead the way.

  • Theories of Digital Business
    Period 1
    Period 4

    Get a deeper understanding of challenges and opportunities within the digital field, with a focus on creating business value through IT and big data.

  • Digital Marketing and Analytics
    Period 2
    Period 5

    Focus on the concepts, approaches, theories and techniques of digital marketing and analytics. Learn how to apply these for certain business cases and to understand and draw implications from them.

  • Leading Digital Business Transformation
    Period 2
    Period 5

    Acquire the skills to analyse various organisational and management dimensions of digital transformation in business.


Leadership & Management track

Explore how to attract, develop, and maintain a thriving workforce and how to manage employees and teams effectively. You are challenged to switch between theory and practice, the strategic and the operational level, and the manager’s and the employee’s perspective. This track helps you to hone your leadership and decision-making skills and make you a more effective manager and leader.

  • Theories of Leadership and Management
    Period 1
    Period 4

    Discuss and evaluate theories on the impact of leadership and on the behaviour and performance of individuals, teams and organisations.

  • Leadership
    Period 2
    Period 5

    Explore the main current theories and research in the field of leadership. The course addresses the major outcomes of leadership in terms of employee motivation and performance.

  • Managing People Strategically
    Period 2
    Period 5

    Create, develop and enhance your strategic management skills. The effective management of human resources is one of the main levers that managers have to accomplish their organisation's strategic goals.



In addition to the general courses and the track, you will choose 2 elective courses. You have the choice to broaden your business field or to deepen your track. The electives are often taught by lecturers who also work as a consultant, partner or business owner in the corporate world. This gives them a unique position to combine theory with practice.


Shared programme

  • Business Ethics and Sustainability
    Period 1
    Period 2

    Explore business ethics, corporate responsibility, and sustainability. Get to know their core concepts, theories, approaches and examine the interactions of business in society.

  • Thesis Proposal
    Period 3
    Period 6

    You will be assisted in the process of formulating and framing your research proposal and receive detailed feedback from your supervisor.

  • Advanced Management Research Methods
    Period 3
    Period 6

    Discover relevant statistical techniques used in the area of business administration. Learn how you can apply these techniques using specialised software.

  • Thesis
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 4
    Period 5

    Conduct research on a subject relevant to your organisation or industry. One of our lecturers specialised in the track of your choice will supervise your work.

  • Thesis Research Methods
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 4
    Period 5

    This course focuses on designing and conducting an empirical study using qualitative or quantitative research methodology and data analysis.

  • Electives
    Period 1
    Period 4
  • Extended Electives
    Period 4
    Period 5
Compulsory course

Most of the Master's courses run twice a year. Want to see what your study programme will look like? Just fill out a CV Scan, and we will let you know the programme options we can offer!

Copyright: ABS-EP
While the content of the core courses was largely theoretical, in a number of assignments we had the opportunity to conduct case studies and write proposals for challenges faced by real companies. Grace Chen, EVBox Read Grace's testimonial


During the last semester, you will conduct research on a subject relevant to your organisation or industry. Your employer will be able to profit directly from your research results. One of our lecturers specialised in the track of your choice will supervise your work.

Daphne Steegh
Copyright: ABS-EP
I loved the combination of theory and practice Daphne Steegh, Department Head at the Municipality of Amsterdam Read Daphne's testimonial

Mix of theory and practice

A team of dedicated academic experts teaches the programme. Our academic lecturers actively participate in scientific research and monitor recent developments in their respective fields. Connecting you with the most advanced techniques, practices and insights. On top of that, you meet enthusiastic industry experts who are invited to supervise guest lectures and teach electives.

UvA in Carré

Guest lectures in unique locations

Each year in September, the general course Business Ethics and Society hosted in one of the great theatres Amsterdam has to offer. Expect C-suite managers of high-profile companies to share the issues that are currently on their table. In the past, students attended guest lectures on contemporary topics such as ‘The future of work’ (by McKinsey and Randstad) and ‘Green Growth’ (by Unilever and Rabobank).


During the intensive programme, you will learn and work together with motivated fellow students. Together, you are a well-balanced mix of nationalities with different views and opinions, who are working in a wide variety of industries. All this will offer you the opportunity to widen your perspective and have a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience.

'I have learned to analyse the strategic impact of a project on the organisation'

Arshia Ghasempour, Senior Consultant at Deloitte: 'The EPMS programme taught me how to analyse problems and organisational decision-making more effectively. This way of thinking complemented my existing skillset and will undoubtedly help me becoming an effective manager in the future.'