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Amsterdam Business School (ABS) alumni have access to valuable scientific databases, as well as the Economics and Business (EB) Career Portal, where you can find and share vacancies. We also offer continued career advice, up to a year after graduation.
  • Career Services

    You can use UvA’s Career Centre services up to 1 year after you graduate. You can meet with a career coach, submit your CV for review and take part in networking or job application training workshops, for example. 

    Learn more about the UvA's Career Centre.

  • Academic databases

    You can make use of 3 databases:

    1. ERIC, an education database with a free version that housing over 200,000 full-text publications;
    2. EBSCO Academic Search Alumni, containing over 3,000 peer-reviewed journals, in several disciplines.
    3. EBSCO Business Source Alumni, where you will find over 1,400 journals in the fields of economics and business (750 are peer-reviewed). 

    More information for alumni on the University Library's website.