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As alumni your knowledge and experiences are very valuable to current students. You can use your knowledge and network to help them be better prepared for the job market and improve their professional skills.
  • Join!

    Our main network at the moment is LinkedIn. Join the Amsterdam Business School LinkedIn group for the latest alumni news and events.

    International Alumni Chapters

    • Were you an international student? You can join an International Alumni Chapters event in your home country, or become a guest speaker or co-host at those events.
  • Volunteer

    Share your experience and knowledge with (international) students and young alumni. You can become a guest speaker at one of our events or trainings:

    • Professional Development Weeks
    • FuckUp Night
    • Alumni Coach Café
    • Going Dutch
    • Become one of our Alumni in the spotlight by sharing your career story
    • Become a member of your programme’s Advisory Board. As a member of the advisory board you can share your knowledge to help improve your programme, and give advice about the labour market
    • Share your internship or traineeship on the EB Career Portal for students or fellow alumni.
    • Become a supervisor for Bachelor’s interns;
    1. Let students solve your Business Problems with fresh ideas by joining: The Amsterdam Living Case Lab. If your company is facing a challenge or has recently solved one, consider sharing it as a business case with our students. Get in touch by sending us an email.
    2. The Summer Business Challenge (a consultancy assignment during the summer)

    If you’re interested in any of these opportunities, please let us know by filling in the following form.

  • What are the time investments?

    Wondering how much of your time these activities may take? Please refer to the table below.


    Frequency/time of year

    Time investment

    Meet the alumni
    Be the subject of an alumni interview
    - Appear in an alumni/career video


    All year round


    1-3 hours

    Guest speaker at:
    - Professional Development weeks
    - Going Dutch
    - FuckUp Night



    3-5 hours, preparation and presentation

    Offering business cases via:
    - Summer Business Seminar
    - Amsterdam Living Case Lab

    June - August
    All year round


    2 - 4 hours

    Member of the (international) Advisory Board

    Once a year

    2 - 4 hours
    Internship supervisor September-December 8 - 10 hours
    Mentor/coach for a student (Social Mentor Programme/Alumni Coach café) 2 - 3 times a year 3 hours