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'I gained valuable insights into driving meaningful partnerships and trust to foster long-term partnerships. The incorporation of new frameworks based on the latest scientific partnership research was particularly enlightening.'
Holly Shibly
Holly Shibly – Strategic Alliance Manager at Microsoft

'I chose to participate in the Building Strategic Partnerships masterclass primarily to deepen my understanding and expertise in the field of strategic partnerships. The location of the masterclass, in the vibrant city of Amsterdam, coupled with its concise duration of 2 days, made it an attractive option for advancing my knowledge without disrupting my professional commitments.

Engaging in practical exercises during the masterclass not only solidified theoretical concepts, but also facilitated hands-on learning experiences that I could immediately apply to real-world scenarios. Beyond the insightful masterclass content, I also enjoyed the experience of studying at the Amsterdam Business School. Its modern infrastructure nestled in the heart of Amsterdam provided a stimulating environment conducive to learning.

I gained valuable insights into driving meaningful partnerships and trust to foster long-term partnerships. The incorporation of new frameworks based on the latest scientific partnership research was particularly enlightening. Additionally, I revised strategies for identifying and leveraging mutually beneficial opportunities, as well as the latest communication and negotiation techniques to align objectives and drive collaborative success. Learning from real-world applications across various industries enhanced my understanding and provided practical insights applicable to my daily work.

The best aspect of the masterclass was its holistic approach, encompassing small classes fostering discussion and knowledge sharing. The experienced lecturers were instrumental in delivering engaging sessions, and I appreciated the flexibility of adding content based on upfront wishes and feedback received during the masterclass. The proactive approach in soliciting and incorporating feedback further enhanced the overall learning experience.

I would recommend this masterclass to professionals working in the fields of partnerships, sales, and business development. Whether one aims to initiate alliances within their organisation or enhance existing partnership structures with best practices, this masterclass provides invaluable insights and practical as well as scientific tools for success.'