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Raoul Nijlhof

'Before my introduction to the business environment, I spent six years from 1998 to 2004 in a Dutch army special operations unit. During my education at the military academy I was given the opportunity to join the Royalty and Diplomatic Corps Protection Department as a risk control specialist. It was after 4 years in this position that I found my current employer. I started as an area manager in the security division of the holding. And I currently hold the position of manager business development cross-sales at the company’s head office.

I decided to obtain an MBA because from my perspective, an MBA will provide me with even deeper knowledge and insight in business processes. This will then provide me with better career opportunities in the business arena.

I chose the ABS because after attending an information evening I was struck by the more personal approach of the programme. This seemed to be different from the other business schools I had visited. The fact that ABS is located in Amsterdam means there are numerous possibilities to relax and recuperate after intensive studying. I think the people that live here have a particular joie de vivre which is also very stimulating.

Until now, the courses in the programme have proven to be very intensive and challenging, but I am positive about how the curriculum is directly applicable to real-time business situations. This is effective business education that works.

There is a very diverse group of students attending the ABS, which is a nice plus to the experience. Because of the mixed courses (part-time and full-time) the interaction between the different student groups is very good. This situation exposes you to different points of view and we can all learn from each other.

The professors are not only renowned in their field of expertise, they are also good lecturers capable of transferring their knowledge. This isn’t always the case with academics, but at the ABS, there is almost no barrier in communication. The professors are very quick to answer questions through email or otherwise. The lectures are always interactive and enjoyable to attend.

My career goal after graduation is to focus more on strategic management, either in consultancy or Management.'