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Originally trained as an economist, Sidharth Nanda decided to devote his career completely to sustainability and climate change. The MBA programme helped him achieving the next level of his career as a sustainability consultant.

Sidharth studied Economics at the Madras Christian College in Chennai, India. He originally wanted to be a development economist in a multilateral institution such as the International Monetary Fund or the United Nations. Sidharth: 'I was very driven to learn more about the causes of poverty and the economic reasons behind unemployment.'

He ended up working in a private bank. After 3 years, Sidharth decided to devote his career wholeheartedly to climate change. Starting as a fundraiser, he moved on to working in sustainability consulting at different companies.  

Melting pot of cultures

Getting a degree abroad was a lifelong dream for Sidharth. 'After working for 10 years I decided I wanted to do an MBA to hone my marketing, finance and leadership skills. The choice for the Amsterdam Business School was one of the best decisions of my life. The Netherlands is a melting pot of different cultures, and there were amazing courses in Sustainability, Corporate Strategy, International Business and Leadership in the programme.'

In order to better understand the nuances of the Dutch job market, Sidharth decided to do an internship at Philips. During this internship, he gained even more understanding in how sustainability is anchored in a big global company.

After the MBA

After obtaining his MBA degree, Sidharth decided to return to his home country and put his new knowledge and skills to use in sustainability consulting there.

After working at several companies, including PwC and EY, he recently scaled up to becoming General Manager Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) at one of the world’s largest telecom companies. His employer's networks cover over 2 billion people.

'One of the biggest challenges in my current job is finding ways to be more environmentally efficient as we move towards 5G technologies. With more network-driven consumption, it becomes imperative that we live in a green network by adopting the most energy efficient technologies. With my CEO's vision and our strong technical team, we’re already on the path to deliver on our ESG goals.'

Business and sustainability can coexist

There is still work to be done, though. 'My goal is to influence more people, especially Gen Z and millennials, to join the sustainability bandwagon. ESG should become a permanent feature in all companies. Because of my work experience and my MBA degree, I am convinced that business and sustainability can coexist side by side.'