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ABS student Executive Programmes

'I decided to pursue the Amsterdam MBA, because I wanted to broaden my business knowledge and understanding of strategy, innovation and how I can play a role in the world of business transformation. In addition, my experience working for two international, diverse and inspiring companies made me realise how much I enjoy working environments that provide me with such exchanges and experiences. Amsterdam Business School is such a place and has been offering me great learnings, amazing people to interact with and an environment I truly enjoy being part. Finally, the reputation of the University of Amsterdam, together with its location in the heart of the amazing city was the cherry on top of the cake!

I really enjoyed the Amsterdam Leadership Programme and the Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability course. Both made me very eager to make a difference in the very aggressive corporate environment we all live in. I also appreciate the fact that the MBA programme is so varied in the topics and subjects it covers and I feel I have now a much better overview of business, strategy and innovation then I could ever imagine.

When you work full-time and do a part-time MBA, there’s not too much time left , but whenever I can I try to spend time with my friends and I very frequently have friends and family visiting me in Amsterdam from different parts of the world. In addition, I enjoy dancing and have even been taking my friends from the MBA to some Brazilian samba parties once in a while ;)

If you opt for this programme, planning is key. You don’t need to stop living because of the MBA: it should be a very important part of your life, but the magic of it is making it a pleasant journey and enjoying the ride. Sometimes you will be on top of things with all readings up to date, sometimes you will fall a bit behind, and that’s fine. You’re not alone in the process, and if you end up to be as lucky as I am with the classmates you get, the journey will be full of fun, joy and friends for life.