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Amsterdam Business School is home to a wide variety of PhD candidates in various research fields with different backgrounds. We offer individual training trajectories to our PhD candidates to prepare them successfully for a career in academia. Read more about education for PhD candidates at Amsterdam Business School.

PhD Education: A tailor-made educational programme

Education for PhD candidates at Amsterdam Business School consists of an individualised course trajectory that each PhD candidate shapes, in consultation with his or her supervisor. This approach enables education tailored to the needs of each individual candidate and project. This model is in place as we have PhD candidates from very different backgrounds in different research sections. The methods and disciplines they need to be trained in are too different to combine in one single programme.

Education plan requirements

We require that an education plan is made for each student. Our school does not have fixed requirements in terms of the number of ECTS in (research) Master's programme courses or other suitable courses PhD candidates are required to take, as their background and level of training at the start of their research trajectory varies a lot. Hence, it is up to the PhD candidate, his or her supervisors (each student is required to have at least 2 supervisors, at least one with ius promovendi) and the research institute director to determine an appropriate number and mix of courses, with respect to the students’ educational background and educational needs.

There is one mandatory central course at Economics and Business level for all PhD candidates which all candidates follow early in their trajectory: Mastering my PhD. In addition, we require PhD candidates to take a research ethics course at MSc level (if they did not have one as part of their training before starting the PhD). Other courses they are expected to take are one or more research methods courses, e.g. statistical or data science courses, and if relevant, academic skills courses (for example, on theorising, academic writing, etc.), and course content courses.

Courses at other institutes

PhD Candidates can take courses from different graduate schools and research masters, including the Tinbergen Institute. In addition, other PhD courses, summer schools, and PhD training workshops at (international) conferences might also be appropriate. Please take a look at our PhD course suggestions.

Plan on education and supervision (OBP)

From the start of their appointment, PhD candidates and their supervisors have 3 months to write a Plan on Education and Supervision (OBP), which includes an outline of the initial idea of which courses will be followed and how supervision will take place. An OBP is also required for external PhD candidates as they should also receive an appropriate amount of training. Once defined, this plan is submitted to the director of the ABS Research Institute for approval. Supervisors and PhD candidates are expected to reflect upon and potentially adapt this plan throughout the PhD trajectory during the annual consultation meetings or at other moments when there is a need for this.