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The modern consumption pattern takes a heavy toll on planetary, personal and financial health. Although policymakers have been trying to adopt and promote more responsible consumption patterns for decades, their success has been limited.

The Amsterdam Centre for Responsible Consumption offers a platform for behavioral researchers, businesses and policymakers to exchange ideas with the goal of finding novel means to arrive at a more responsible consumption pattern. We organize events, stimulate public debate, and translate behavioral insights to policy.

Our team

Jan Willem Bolderdijk is Professor of Sustainability & Marketing, and is the Director of the Centre for Responsible Consumption. He explores social tipping points dynamics: how can marketers, consumers and businesses help to make green behaviors more mainstream?

Willemijn van Dolen is Full Professor Marketing, and acts as the Impact Director of the Centre for Responsible Consumption. Her research and teaching interests include sustainability, responsibility, consumption and marketing. 

Georgia Kirilova is now a Lecturer in Marketing at Amsterdam Business School, and the Centre for Responsible Consumption coordinator. Her main interests are sustainability, consumer behaviour, advertising and responsible consumption. 

Ruth Mugge is Professor in Responsible Marketing at Amsterdam Business School and has a position as a professor at the faculty Industrial Design Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. Her research focuses on sustainable consumer behaviour in a Circular Economy in order to reduce the environmental impact of our consumption. 

Ko de Ruyter is Professor of Sustainable Marketing Strategy at Amsterdam Business School and Vice Dean, Research at King's Business School.

Affiliated researchers

Carina Thürridl is an Assistant Professor of Marketing. Her research is situated in the area of consumer behavior and particularly focuses on issues related to sustainability and consumer well-being.

Marlene Vock is an Assistant Professor of Marketing. Her research focuses on sustainability and consumer psychology. She is particularly interested in factors that may further or hinder sustainable consumer behavior, and in consumers' responses to firms' responsible and irresponsible practices.

Jonne Guyt is an Associate Professor and Research Coordinator at the Marketing Department of the Amsterdam Business School. Jonne's current research focuses on responsible retailing. He studies how retailers, brand, and consumers react to current trends and regulations, such as soda taxes and advertising bans.

Maddy Vollebregt is a PhD researcher in the Marketing Section at the Amsterdam Business School. Her research focuses on consumption and well-being. She is particularly interested in transitions to sufficiency consumption and reduced consumption.

Andrea Weihrauch is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Consumer Psychology at the Amsterdam Business School. Her research focuses on how consumer behavior changes as the lines between humans and machines become blurry and consumers are exposed to technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual/augmented reality.


Stimulating public debate

Our members contribute to public debate via media appearances.

Masterclass: Marketing and Sustainability

Jan Willem Bolderdijk, Willemijn van Dolen, Ruth Mugge and Roger Pruppers offer a 2-day masterclass that aims to address the challenges today's marketeers experience.


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Plantage Muidergracht 12
1018 TV Amsterdam