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The European Negotiation Hub (ENHub) faculty members provide negotiation education and training for the University of Amsterdam, corporate partners, and other organisations.

Our education

All our negotiation education is based on solid scientific theories and empirical evidence, combined with practical experience. We utilise negotiation simulations and other forms of experiential learning to bring to life core negotiation principles and provide immediate feedback. Depending on the setting, our courses and trainings place greater emphasis on either theoretical knowledge (e.g., Master of Science education) or practical implementation (e.g., Masterclasses, corporate training).

Some of our education is open for the interested public without the need of being enrolled in any educational program. We also offer customised corporate training through ABS Executive Education.

Masterclass Business Negotiations

In this 2-day masterclass, designed for professionals, you will improve your abilities to prepare and conduct business negotiations.

In-company training

Are you looking for a tailor-made educational programme on negotiation for your employees? We offer in-company programmes specifically designed to fit the training objectives of your organisation.

Courses in regular edutional programmes

Business Negotiations (elective MSc)
Business Negotiations (elective Executive MSc)
Business Negotiations (core course MBA General Management)