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Looking for a customised training programme for your team? We provide incompany programmes tailored to your organisation's goals. We offer short and long-term courses, including knowledge boost lectures. We can help you to set up a programme from scratch, or based on concrete ideas you may already have.
The benefits of a customised incompany programme at the ABS

Tailor-made for your company

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A tailor-made programme that fits the educational needs of your company and helps you achieve your strategic company goals.

Research based programmes, with a hands-on approach

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Employees can immediately apply the lessons learned into their daily work.

Following the latest market trends

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Your organisation stays ahead of the game with an educational programme that responds to the latest market trends or current events.

Triple Crown accredited

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The Amsterdam Business School (ABS), part of the University of Amsterdam, belongs to the 1% of the business schools in the world with a Triple Crown accreditation.

Suitable for PE-portfolio (NBA-accredited)

Our incompany programmes

We offer customised programmes that focus on relevant market trends and business insights. Programmes can cover a broad range of topics, varying from data science to business strategy, and from operational management to business innovation and sustainability. They can be held at the convenience of your office or via online learning. It is also possible to accommodate the classes at the Amsterdam Business School.

  • Full programmes

    Short- and long-term programmes, offered as a hybrid (online and onsite), online or face-to-face programme. Think of 2-day masterclasses or long-term programmes of several months.

  • Knowledge boost lectures

    Short introduction lectures of max. 3 hours, presented as a webinar or face-to-face seminar. Lectures can be an introduction to a full programme or be presented as a standalone presentation.

Goals/objectives of programmes we previously developed

  • Strengthening the position as ‘preferred employer’ by offering employees personal development options.
  • Continued education of employees, which will lead to personal growth, and ultimately a positive impact on customers.
  • Find talented future employees in the field of Computer Science, Data Science, Geospatial Information Science.
  • Increase Data Science knowledge and skills of employees, which can be applied to the new standards of daily auditing practice.
  • Increase the knowledge of employees on Corporate finance to apply in legal practice.

Our personal partnership approach

We believe that designing a tailor-made programme is a partnership. Together, we create an incompany programme that meets your needs and ambitions. You might already have a detailed plan with specific themes in mind, or maybe you are looking for advice on how to set up a programme from strategy to execution. Either way, we are happy to think along and provide ideas to create impactful learning for the employees at your organisation.


We believe that designing a tailor-made programme is a partnership. Together, we create an incompany programme that meets your needs and ambitions. 

Or contact Vanessa Rijkeboer via:


T: +31 (0)6 3901 2152