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Maria Masliy

'The masterclass is designed to broaden your perspective on your business or organisation, and it helps you to reflect on your current sustainability strategy. I feel even more inspired now to make a change'

Maria Masliy - Founder/Creative Director at MARSALA, footwear brand

'After working in the fashion business for 10 years, my experience has resulted in an understanding of the inevitable necessity to change the fashion game. My drive to implement sustainable principles throughout the fashion chain has become my personal mission. That’s why my partner Hanna and I launched a B2B showroom for sustainable fashion brands and then started to work on sustainable footwear.'

'Apart from the work that I do, I also felt the necessity to deepen my knowledge in the field so I can improve my performance in my sustainable journey. That’s why I decided to sign up for the Revitalising Your Sustainability Strategy masterclass at the Amsterdam Business School.'

'The masterclass provides loads of practical knowledge and useful frameworks to work on your own existing case. Alongside that, it invites you to reflect on your own feelings and purposes within environmental and social aspects. It was very helpful to systemise different pieces of knowledge and to see many connections among them. I already started to revise my communication agenda with different types of stakeholders and to enhance the design of sustainable strategy for the business in general.'

'The 4 teachers of this masterclass are brilliant experts, but also good speakers who know how to guide a group. My fellow participants in the masterclass all worked on sustainability development in their companies. It made our conversations very interesting, profound and fruitful. During the masterclass, we were able to share the challenges all of us face, and we tried to provide some support for each other.'

'I’m truly impressed with the experience of following an Open Programme at the Amsterdam Business School. Every part of the studying process is well-considered, starting from the communication before the masterclass starts and ending with the feedback collection after the masterclass has finished. The masterclass itself is well-designed: it is an intense experience, but very enlightening.'

'I would definitely recommend this masterclass. The masterclass is designed to broaden your perspective on your business or organisation, and it helps you to reflect on your current sustainability strategy. I feel even more inspired now to make a change.'