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Karen Rozenbaum

'If you find yourself in a leadership role, perhaps leading a small team or aiming for the next step in your career as a senior manager, and you're seeking insights beyond what traditional books offer, I strongly recommend this masterclass.'

Karen Rozenbaum – Lead Service Designer at Adidas

'I had been on the hunt for a while for a leadership course with a unique twist. Something that goes beyond theory and dives into hands-on exercises and real-life experiences focused on communication and behaviour. Some words that caught my attention in the description of the Leadership Essentials masterclass were ‘role playing’ and ‘active listening’. I understand that’s not for everyone, but it made me curious. That’s why I signed up for this masterclass.

I gained so much from this masterclass that it's hard to put into words. I am still trying to process and create some rituals so that I become more intentional in the way I show up, specially at work during meetings.

The whole journey, from working with other colleagues, presenting in role playing, receiving feedback, to Aikido classes, felt like a dance that invited connection with colleagues and opponents. The emphasis on 'physicality' fascinated me, and it made me rediscover the powerful link between my mind and body. Now, I'm actively incorporating intentionality into my approach. Before important meetings, I take a deep breath to be more mentally and physically prepared and to create a welcoming atmosphere. I've learned to allocate extra time not just for content preparation but also for reflecting on participants' expectations, their backgrounds, and even the physical setup of the meeting. By being intentional about others' expectations and paying attention to physical cues, I've noticed more positive outcomes in my interactions with others.

The organisation of these 2 days played a crucial role in putting us, the participants, in the right mindset to fully engage both physically and mentally. The emphasis on taking role-playing seriously, complete with real actors, influenced us to approach the experience with the same level of commitment. Personally, I found the physical exercises to be a highlight — from basic breathing exercises and posture demonstrations showcasing open and closed body language to the invigorating 'warrior dance' during the Aikido class. I also felt in a safe space where we could explore our challenges and be our true selves, receiving tips and feedbacks from others.

If you find yourself in a leadership role, perhaps leading a small team or aiming for the next step in your career as a senior manager, and you're seeking insights beyond what traditional books offer, I strongly recommend this masterclass. It's not just about engaging your rational mind; it's about bringing your authentic self into the experience, including your body. The transformative aspect is that you become more aware of your actions towards others and vice versa. The only 'risk' is that you'll become more intentional in everything you do. Yet, that's what makes you a better leader — paying extra attention and, most importantly, showing genuine care for others.'

The views expressed in this testimonial belong to the author and not the organisation she works for, its affiliates, or employees.