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For whom? 

This masterclass is designed for professionals who want to learn how to lead by motivation and inspiration, rather than by micro-management. Typical participants of this class already hold a management position with leadership experience or are preparing for a senior management position.

Need help? 

Reach out to us for questions about this course or our transportation and accommotion options. We respond within 3 business days. 

Jannice Daha LLM
Manager Executive Education
T: +31 (0)6 4834 9056

Why join this masterclass?

Practical approach focused on your personal development

Based on the latest scientific insights from psychological research

Internationally recognised leadership experts

What will you learn?

At the end of the masterclass you will know: 

  1. How to be an authentic leader
    You will learn about personal values and priorities as well as your personality and dispositions. If you are not authentic as a leader, employees will not trust and follow you.
  2. How to be a visionary leader
    Based on the insights about yourself, you will develop a concrete leader vision. A strong vision makes employees enthusiastic and motivates them.
  3. How to be a charismatic leader
    You will learn concrete verbal and non-verbal techniques that help you to communicate in an inspiring way. This helps you to be recognised as a charismatic leader who can get employees to give their best efforts to the team.
What is this masterclass about?
What is this masterclass about?

Prof. Dr. Frank Belschak tells you about the content of the masterclass Inspiring Leadership.

Teaching Staff

This masterclass is offered by Dr. Annebel De Hoogh, Professor of Responsible Leadership, and Prof. Dr. Frank Belschak, Chaired Professor of Leadership and Change.

Both are faculty members of the Leadership & Management department of the Amsterdam Business School. Their research in the field of leadership and management is internationally recognized and both have a long track record in teaching leadership to both students and executives.

Prof. A.H.B. (Annebel) de Hoogh

Professor of Responsible Leadership

Prof. dr. F.D. (Frank) Belschak

Chaired Professor of Leadership and Change


The fee for the masterclass Inspiring leadership is €2,290. The fee is VAT-exempt.

Alumni get a 10% discount

UvA Alumni receive a 10% discount on the standard fee. Please note that this discount cannot be combined with the early bird discount.

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