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Eyesha Mingo

'This masterclass is the perfect combination of big value in a short amount of time. I wanted to do a non-conventional training that would help with my professional development and didn’t involve exams.'

Eyesha Mingo, Senior Operations Project Manager at Sitel

'I learned several physical techniques – breathing, posture, and Aikido principles. The grounding exercises are very useful to apply before presentations, and I learned to channel the transferable aspects of how I approach fitness and dance.'

'Also, I learned a new language to use in difficult conversations and to communicate effectively with clients on a daily basis. Another big win is that I now understand how to use the skills that I developed in my personal life, to create impact in my professional life.' 

'Overall, the masterclass was an enjoyable experience due to the range of activities and the authenticity and professionalism of the teachers.'