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Alice Stephenson

'My career began in human resource management, and then switched to law when I qualified as a UK technology and intellectual property solicitor. After 8 years of working as a solicitor, in 2017, I founded my own law firm and now I no longer practise law. Instead, my role requires me to manage the day-to-day operations of the firm, oversee finance, sales and marketing, and define its growth strategy.'

'As a founder and CEO of a fast-growing law firm I was looking for an MBA that was going to better equip me to scale and exit my business. I wanted a course that was going to teach me how to apply academic theory to a business environment. The Amsterdam MBA was the right fit for me.'

'Having recently relocated from the UK to Amsterdam, the UvA Executive MBA was an obvious choice for me. The Amsterdam Business School (ABS) has an excellent reputation, and I like the flexibility that the course offers because juggling it alongside my day job can be challenging. I was also impressed with every interaction I had with the ABS team during the application process, which gave me confidence that the course would meet my expectations.

'I’m only a few weeks into my course, but so far I’ve been really impressed. There’s no question that the course is intensive and requires a significant time and effort commitment, but the sessions are engaging and I’m able to apply the learning directly to my own business.'

'My post-MBA plan is to continue growing my business with a view to exiting it in the next 3-5 years. Following that, I want to move into a consulting-based role to support other law firm founders and encourage innovation within the legal industry.'