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The main objective of the dissertation is to develop new theoretically as well as practically useful insights about the collaboration process as stakeholders get together to act upon sustainability challenges in an urban context, in particular related to climate change adaptation.

Firms play a significant role in developing sustainable innovations and thus in contributing to address these issues. As the complexity of the challenges increases, innovations also increase in their complexity. Consequently, a shift has occurred from the firm to networks, in which innovative solutions for climate change adaptation are developed. Using an in-depth, longitudinal case-study design, as well as a comparative case-study design, this dissertation aims to gain a deeper understanding of the establishment of sustainable innovations in smart cities. 

Chantal van den Ouweland, MSc

Supervisor: Prof.dr. Ans Kolk

Co-supervisor: Dr. Siri Boe-Lillegraven

Co-supervisor: Dr. Willem van Winden