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Selected publications of the Strategy & International Business section:
  • 2024 and forthcoming

    Bettinazzi, E.L., Jacqueminet, A., Neumann, K. & Snoeren, P. (2024). Media Coverage of Firms in the Presence of Multiple Signals: A Configurational Approach. Forthcoming in Academy of Management Journal, 67, (1), 150-177.

    Bøe-Lillegraven, S., Georgallis, P. & Kolk, A. (2024). Sea change? Sensemaking, Firm Reactions, and Community Resilience Following Climate Disasters. Forthcoming in Journal of Management Studies.

    Bruijn, K., Georgallis, P., Kourula, A., Pimentel, J.A. & Teegen, H. (2024). MNE-Civil society interactions: A Systematic Review and research agenda. Forthcoming in Journal of International Business Studies.

    Chen, Y., Chen, M., Liu, H., Volberda, H.W. & Heij, K. (2024), How does CEO-TMT exchange quality incongruence affect business model innovation? The moderating role of environmental dynamism. Forthcoming in Journal of Product Innovation Management

    Coche, E., Kolk, A. & Dekker, M. (2024). Navigating the EU data governance labyrinth in the financial sector: a business perspective on data-sharing initiatives. Forthcoming in Internet Policy Review.

    Coche, E., Kolk, A. & Ocelík, V. (2024). Unravelling cross-country regulatory intricacies of data governance: The relevance of legal insights for digitalization and international business. Forthcoming in Journal of International Business Policy.

    Delalieux, G., Kourula, A. & Pezet, E. (2024). Civil Society Roles in CSR Legislation. Forthcoming in Journal of Business Ethics.

    Heeren, J., Vrande, V. van de, Volberda, H.W. & Waard, E. de (2024). Closing the Innovation Performance Gap: Open Innovation in Military Bureaucracies. Forthcoming in California Management Review.

    Kashanizadeh, Z., Khanagha, S., Alexiou, A. & Volberda, H.W. (2024). The dynamics of new sharing economy ventures strategies and ecosystem legitimacy: the case of Airbnb. Forthcoming in R&D Management journal.

    Leonel, R., Rehbein, K., Westermann‐Behaylo, M.K. & Perrault, E. (2024). Firms’ Response to Slacktivism: When and Why are E‐Petitions Effective? Forthcoming in Journal of Management Studies.

    Pan, X., Chen, X-J. & Wang, H. (2024). Beyond Economic Considerations: The Role of Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firm Foreign Exit Decisions. Forthcoming in International Business Review.

    Stoelhorst, J.W. & Vishwanathan, P. (2024). Beyond Primacy: A Stakeholder Theory of Corporate Governance. Forthcoming in Academy of Management Review, 49, (1).

    Straaten, K. van der, Pisani, N. & Kolk, A. (2024). Parenthood wage gaps in Multinational Enterprises. Forthcoming in Journal of International Business Studies

    Tuncdogan, A., Wang, F., Volberda, H.W. & Enkel, E. (2024). IT as Driver of R&D processes and Strategic Renewal, Introductory paper special issue. Forthcoming in R&D Management.

  • 2023

    Ahi, A., Sinkovics, N. & Sinkovics, R.R. (2023). E-commerce policy and the global economy: A path to more inclusive development? Management International Review, 63, (1), 27-56.

    Aranda, A.M., Helms, W.S., Patterson, K.D.W., Roulet, T.J. & Hudson, B.A. (2023). Standing on the Shoulders of Goffman: Advancing a Relational Research Agenda on Stigma. Business & Society, 62, (7), 1339-1377.

    Aranda, A.M. & Simons, T. (2023). Clearing the Smoke: Regulations, Moral Legitimacy, and Performance in the U.S. Tobacco Industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 187, 803-819.

    Argyres, N., Nickerson, J. & Özalp, H. (2023). Platform Competition and Complementor Responses: Insights from Combining Design Rules with the Comparative Adjustment, Transaction and Opportunity Cost Framework. Industrial and Corporate Change, 32, (1), 112-128.

    Arrieta, J.P., Fontana, R. & Brusoni, S. (2023). On the strategic use of product modularity for market entry. Industrial and Corporate Change, 32, (1), 155-180.

    Beretta, M., Dahlander, L., Frederiksen, L. & Thomas, A. (2023). Lego Takes Customers’ Innovations Further. MIT Sloan Management Review, 65, (1), 34-37.

    Betancourt, N., Jochem, T. & Otner, S.M. (2023). Standing on the shoulders of giants: How star scientists influence their coauthors. Research Policy, 52, (1), 104624.

    Bridoux, F. & Stoelhorst, J.W. (2023). Stakeholder Governance: On Overcoming the Problems in the Traditional Narrative of Capitalism. In Talaulicar, T. (ed), Research Handbook on Corporate Governance and Ethics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

    Bueno, M., Delgado Marquez, B. & Georgallis, P. & Aragon Correa, A. (2022). How do shareholdersinfluence international firms’ environmental strategies? The differential    impact of strategic andfinancial investors. Long Range Planning, 55, (6), 102183.

    Ciulli, F. & Kolk, A. (2023). International Business, digital technologies and sustainable development: Connecting the dots. Journal of World Business, 58, (4), 101445.

    Datta, S. Mukherjee, S. & Narayan, S. (2023). Social Identity, Narratives and Crowdfunding Success. Academy of Management Proceedings, (1), 17477.

    Haxhi, I. (2023). An institutional perspective on corporate governance. In Hitt, M. & Filatotchev, I. (eds), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press. 

    Haxhi, I. (2023). Comparative Corporate Governance. In Sorge, A., Noorderhaven, N. & Koen, C. (eds), Comparative International Management. London: Routledge.

    Hendriks, G., Slangen, A.H.L. & Heugens, P.P.M.A.R. (2023). How cross-cultural experience shapes emerging-market multinationals’ domestic performance after a cross-border acquisition. Long Range Planning, 56, (4), 102342.

    Hinloopen, J., Onderstal, S. & Soetevent, A. (2023). Corporate Leniency Programs for Antitrust: Past, Present, and Future. Review of Industrial Organization, 63, (2), 111-122.

    Hoever, I.J., Betancourt, N.E., Chen, G. & Zhou, J. (2023). How others light the creative spark: Low power accentuates the benefits of diversity for individual inspiration and creativity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 176, 104248.

    Houwelingen, G. van & Stoelhorst, J.W. (2023). Digital Is Different: Digitalization Undermines Stakeholder Relations Because It Impedes Firm Anthropomorphization. Academy of Management Discoveries, 9, (3), 297-319.

    Igna, I. & Venturini F. (2023). The determinants of AI innovation in Europe. Research Policy, 52, (2), 104661.

    Kourula, A. & Halme, M. (2023). Ecological Approaches to Corporate Sustainability and Responsible Business. In Rasche, A., Morsing, M., Moon, J. & Kourula, A. (eds), Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business in a Globalised World. Cambridge University Press.

    Kourula, A., Rasche, A., Morsing, M. & Moon, J. (2023). Corporate Sustainability: Where Are We Going?. In Rasche, A., Morsing, M., Moon, J. & Kourula, A. (eds), Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business in a Globalised World. Cambridge University Press.

    Laureiro-Martinez, D., Arrieta, J.P. & Brusoni, S. (2023). Microfoundations of Problem Solving: Attentional Engagement Predicts Problem-Solving Strategies. Organization Science, 34, (6), 2207-2230.

    Miric, M., Özalp, H. & Yilmaz, E.D. (2023). Trade-offs to using standardized tools: Innovation enablers or creativity constraints? Strategic Management Journal, 44, (4), 909-942.

    Murtinu, S., Scalera, V.G. & Strange, R. (2023). Cross‐border acquisitions by sovereign wealth funds: A legitimacy‐based view. Global Strategy Journal, 13, (4), 888-926.

    Neerijnen, P. van, Figge, P., Tempelaar, M.P. & Schippers, M. (2023). Ambidexterity: Size matters! Reflexive climate and organizational TMS’s influence and the contingent effect of size. Journal of Small Business Management, 61, (6), 3121-3154.

    Ocelík, V., Kolk, A. & Ciulli, F. (2023). Multinational Enterprises, Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 413, (4), 137434.

    Özalp, H., Eggers, J.P. & Malerba, F. (2023). Hitting Reset: Industry Evolution, Generational Technology Cycles, and the Dynamic Value of Firm Experience. Strategic Management Journal, 44, (5), 1292-1327.

    Rasche, A., Morsing, M., Moon, J. & Kourula, A. (2023). Corporate Sustainability – What It Is and Why It Matters. In Rasche, A., Morsing, M., Moon, J. & Kourula, A. (eds), Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business in a Globalised World. Cambridge University Press.

    Schmidt, A., Mom, T.J.M & Volberda, H.W. (2023). Factors Influencing Technology Adoption in a Traditional Multinational Energy Company. Research-Technology Management, 66, (5), 36-43.

    Schmidt, L., Kortmann, S. & Hupperich, T. (2023). Improving trace synthesis by utilizing computer vision for user action emulation. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 45, (Supplement).

    Schulz, C., Kortmann, S., Piller, F.T. & Pollok, P. (2023). Growing with smart products: Why customization capabilities matter for manufacturing firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 40, (6), 794-816.

    Stoelhorst, J.W. (2023). Value, Rent, and Profit: A Stakeholder Resource-based Theory. Strategic Management Journal, 44, (6), 1488-1513.

    Narayan, S. & Datta, S. (2023). A Compassion-Driven Approach to Responsibility in Innovation Organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings, (1), 18125.

    Saravanapavan, L., Murphy, M., Chavez, J.F., Haxhi, I. & Rivera-Santos, M. (2023). Stakeholders and Cycles of Conflict. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society, Bath, UK.

    Stadtler, L. & Kourula, A. (2023). Sustainability Partnerships. In Rasche, A., Morsing, M., Moon, J. & Kourula, A. (eds), Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business in a Globalised World. Cambridge University Press.

    Sol, J. (2023). Steady state. In Haddad, B.M. & Solomon, B.D. (eds.) Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium (pp. 509-510). Edward Elgar.

    Vishwanathan, P. & Boe-Lillegraven, S. (2023). Bringing managers back into stakeholder theory: the role of practical wisdom and moral agency. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.

  • 2022

    Ahmadi, S., Jansen, J. & Eggers, J.P. (2022). Using Stretch Goals for Idea Generation Among Employees: One Size Does Not Fit All! Organization Science, 33, (2), 671-687.

    Akemu, O. & Subramanian, V. (2022). IB Research Opportunities in Central Asia. In Merchant, H. (eds), The New Frontiers of International Business. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, Cham.

    Al-Tabbaa, O., Ciulli, F. & Kolk, A. (2022). Nonprofit entrepreneurial orientation in the context of cross-sector collaboration. British Journal of Management, 33, (2), 1024-1053.

    Arrieta, J.P. & Shrestha, Y.R. (2022). On the strategic value of equifinal choice. Journal of Organization Design11, 37-45.

    Böhm, S., Carrington, M., Cornelius, N., Bruin, B. de, Greenwood, M., Hassan, L., Jain, T., Karam, C., Kourula, A., Romani, L., Riaz, S. & Shaw, D. (2022). Ethics at the centre of global and local challenges: Thoughts on the future of business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 10, 835-861.

    Bon, A., Dittoh, F., Lô, G., Pini, M., Bwana, R., WaiShiang, C., Kulathuramaiyer, N. & Baart, A. (2022). Decolonizing Technology and Society: A Perspective from the Global South. In Werthner, H., Prem, E., Lee, A. & Ghezzi, C. (eds), Perspectives on Digital Humanism (pp. 61-71). Springer Open Access.

    Bos, O., Gomez-Martinez, F. & Onderstal, S. (2022). Signaling in auctions for risk-averse bidders. PLOS ONE, 17, (10), e0275709.

    Brandl, K., Perri, A., Scalera, V.G., Assche, A. van & Ambos, B. (2022). The nature of innovation in global value chains. Journal of World Business, 56, (4).

    Bridoux, F. & Stoelhorst, J.W. (2022). Stakeholder Governance: Solving the Collective Action Problems in Joint Value Creation. Academy of Management Review, 47, (2), 214-236.

    Bridoux, F. & Stoelhorst, J.W. (2022). Stakeholder theory, strategy, and organization: Past, present, and future. Strategic Organization, 20, (4), 797-809.

    Castellani, D., Lavoratori, K., Perri, A. & Scalera, V.G. (2022). International connectivity and the location of multinational enterprises' knowledge‐intensive activities: Evidence from US metropolitan areas. Global Strategy Journal12, (1), 82-107.

    Castellani, D., Perri, A. & Scalera, V.G. (2022). Knowledge integration in multinational enterprises: the role of inventors crossing national and organizational boundaries. Journal of World Business57, (3), 101290.

    Castellani, D., Perri, A., Scalera, V.G. & Zanfei, A. (2022). Cross-Border Innovation in a Changing World: An Overview and Perspective on Future Developments. Cross-border Innovation in a Changing World: Players, Places, and Policies. Oxford University Press.

    Ciulli, F., Kolk, A., Bidmon, C., Sprong, N. & Hekkert, M. (2022). Sustainable business model innovation and scaling through collaboration. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 45, 289-301.

    Doorn, S. van, Heyden, M.L.M., Reimer, M., Buyl, T. & Volberda, H.W. (2022). Internal and external interfaces of the executive suite: Advancing research on the porous bounds of strategic leadership. Long Range Planning, 55, (3) 10221452022.

    Doren, D. van, Khanagha, S., Volberda, H.W. & Caniëls, M.C.J. (2022). The external commercialisation of technology in emerging domains–the antecedents, consequences, and dimensions of desorptive capacity. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 34, (3), 258-273.

    Felső, F., Onderstal, S. & Seldeslachts, J. (2022). The Pricing Structure of Legal Services: Do Lawyers Offer What Clients Want? Review of Industrial Organization, 61, 123-148.

    Garrone, P., Piscitello, L., Rotondi, V. & Scalera, V.G. (2022). MNEs as catalysts of productive entrepreneurship: the case of Egypt. In The Role of Multinational Enterprises in Supporting the United Nations' SDGs (pp. 317-337). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Georgallis, P. & Bruijn, K. (2022). Sustainability teaching using case-based debates. Journal of International Education in Business, 15, (1), 147-163.

    Hollen, R.M.A., Bosch, F.A.J. van den & Volberda, H.W. (2022). The challenge of developing new meta-management practices of firms in meta-organizations. Managerial Practice Issues in Strategy and Organization, 235.

    Houwelingen, G.G. van, Dijke, M. van, Hoogervorst, N., Meijs, L. & Cremer, D. de (2022). Two sides of the same coin: Punishment and forgiveness in organizational contexts. Frontiers in Psychology. 13.

    Kanat, I., Hukal, P. & Özalp, H. (2022). Two Strategy Playbooks for Complementor Survival on Digital Platforms. MIS Quarterly Executive, 21, (1).

    Khanagha, S., Volberda, H.W., Alexiou, A. & Annosi, M.C. (2022). Mitigating the dark side of agile teams: Peer pressure, leaders’ control, and the innovative output of agile teams. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 39, (3), 334-350262022.

    Kolk, A. & Ciulli, F. (2022). International business, climate change and the energy transition: A commentary on the importance of business models and digitalization. In Mithani, M., Narula, R., Surdu, I. & Verbeke, A. (eds.), Crises and disruptions in International Business (pp. 287-304). Palgrave MacMillan.

    Konijn, K., Koeman, N., Jong, G. de, Volberda, H.W. & Heij, K. (2022). Investeringen klimaatambitieuze bedrijven tijdens coronacrisis meer gestegen dan bij achterblijvers. ESB, 107 (4806).

    Korsunova, A., Halme, M. & Kourula, A. (2022). Necessity-driven circular economy in low-income contexts: How informal sector practices retain value for circularity. Global Environmental Change, 76, 102573.

    Luyckx, J., Schneider, A. & Kourula, A. (2022). Learning from alternatives: Analyzing alternative ways of organizing as starting points for improving the corporation. In Research in the Sociology of Organizations, volume 78: The Corporation: Rethinking the iconic form of business organization. Emerald.

    Ma, L. & Wang, H. (2022). What the Belt and Road Initiative is and is not. In Wieland, J. (ed.), European perspectives on the New Silk Roads. A transcultural approach. Transcultural Management Series, Vol.9. (pp. 39-57).

    Mihalache, M. & Mihalache, R.O. (2022). How workplace support for the COVID-19 pandemic and personality traits affect changes in employees' affective commitment to the organization and job-related well-being. Human Resource Management61, (3), 295-314.

    Mihalache, M., Mihalache, R.O. & Ende, J. van den (2022). International Diversification and MNE Innovativeness: A Contingency Perspective of Foreign Subsidiary Portfolio Characteristics. Management International Review, 61, 769-798.

    Neerijnen, P. van, Tempelaar, M.P. & Vrande, V. van de (2022). Embracing Paradox: TMT paradoxical processes as a steppingstone between TMT reflexivity and organizational ambidexterity. Organization Studies, 43, (11), 1793-1814.

    Olsen, T., Rehbein, K., Snelson-Powell, A. & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2022). Human rights in the oil and gas industry: When are policies and practices enough to prevent abuse? Business & Society61, (6), 1512-1557.

    Özalp, H., Ozcan, P., Dinckol, D., Zachariadis, M. & Gawer, A. (2022). "Digital Colonization" of Highly Regulated Industries: An Analysis of Big Tech Platforms' Entry into Healthcare and Education. California Management Review64, (4), 78-107.

    Veeger, J. & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2022). Knowledge exchange within multi-stakeholder initiatives: tackling the Sustainable Development Goals. In Research Handbook on Knowledge Transfer and International Business (pp. 108-135). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Volberda, H.W., Heij, K., Koeman, N., Konijn, S. & Jong, G. de (2022). Bedrijven vinden sancties tegen Rusland belangrijker dan winst. ESB, 107 (4809): 218-219.

    Volberda, H.W., Heij, K., Vishwanathan, P., Sidhu, J.S. & Kashanizadeh, Z. (2022). De winst van purpose: hoe ondernemingen het verschil kunnen maken. Holland Management Review, 39, (april-juni), 16.

    Xie, Z., Chen, X. & Wang, H. (2022). When Dragon Meets Elephant in Africa: The Rivalry on Distinctive Competitiveness. Management and Organization Review, 18, (6), 1228-1234.

  • 2021

    Bohnsack, R., Ciulli, F. & Kolk, A. (2021). The role of business models in firm internationalization: An exploration of European electricity firms in the context of the energy transition. Journal of International Business Studies, 52, (2), 824-852.

    Bos, O., Gomez-Martinez, F., Onderstal, S. & Truyts, T. (2021). Signalling in auctions: Experimental evidence. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 187, 448-469.

    Buren III, H.J. van, Schrempf-Stirling, J. & Westermann-Behaylo, M.K. (2021). Business and Human Trafficking: A Social Connection and Political Responsibility Model. Business & Society, 60, 21, 341-375.

    Chakravarti, S., Cumming, D., Murtinu, M., Scalera, V.G . & Schwens, C. (2021). Exploring the next generation of international entrepreneurship. Journal of World Business, 56, (5).

    Chowdury, R., Kourula, A. & Siltaoja, M. (2021). Power of paradox: Grassroots organizations’ legitimacy strategies over time. Business & Society, 60, (2), 420-453.

    Dari-Mattiacci, G., Onderstal, S. & Parisi, F. (2021). Asymmetric solutions to asymmetric information problems. International Review of Law and Economics, 66, 105981.

    Engelbertink, J. & Kolk, A. (2021). Multinational Enterprises and child labour: Insights from supply-chain initiatives in different sectors. Journal of Modern Slavery, 6, (4), 76-105.

    Es-Sajjade, A., Pandza, K. & Volberda, H. (2021). Growing pains: Paradoxical tensions and vicious cycles in new venture growth. Strategic Organization, 19, (1), 37-69.

    Georgallis P., Pimentel, J.A. & Kondratenko, N. (2021).Jurisdiction shopping and foreign location choice: The role of marketworkand nonmarket experience in the European solar energy industry. Journal of International Business Studies, 52, (5), 853-877.

    Gomez, J., Orcos, R. & Volberda, H.W. (2021). How Imitation of Multiple Reference Groups Drives the Evolution of Firm Strategy. Review of Managerial Science, 15, (8), 2319-2350.

    Hendriks, G. & Kunczer, V. (2021). Outward foreign direct investment and domestic employment growth: Emerging-market multinationals’ contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 8, Proceedings of the 47th European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain.

    Herhausen, D., Morgan, R.E., Brozovic, D. & Volberda, H.W. (2021). Re-examining Strategic Flexibility: A Meta-Analysis of its Antecedents, Consequences and Contingencies. British Journal of Management, 32, (2), 435-455.

    Irion, K., Burri, M., Kolk, A. & Milan, S. (2021). Governing “European values” inside data flows: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Internet Policy Review, 10, (3), 1-14.

    Luyckx, J., Schneider, A. & Kourula, A. 2022. Learning from Alternatives: Analyzing Alternative Ways of Organizing as Starting Points for Improving the Corporation. In The Corporation: Rethinking the Iconic Form of Business Organization, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 78 (pp. 209–231). Emerald.

    Mihalache, O.R & Volberda, H.W. (2021). Business Model Innovation in Transforming Economies: A Co- evolutionary Perspective for a Global and Digital World. Management and Organization Review, 17 (2), 202-225.

    Narayan, S., Sidhu, J.S. & Volberda, H.W. (2021). From Attention to Action: The Influence of Cognitive and Ideological Diversity in Top Management Teams on Business Model Innovation. Journal of Management Studies, 58, (8), 2082-2110.

    Nell, P.C., Foss, N.J., Klein, P.G. & Schmitt, J. (2021). Avoiding Digitalization Traps: Tools for Top Managers. Business Horizons, 64, (2), 163-169.

    R.J. & Bogers, M. (eds), Business Models and Cognition, New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition, 4, pp. 15-38.

    Serdijn, M., Kolk, A. & Fransen, L. (2021). Uncovering missing links in Global Value Chain research – and implications for Corporate Social Responsibility and International Business. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 17, (4), 619-636.

    Sidhu, J., Feng, Y., Volberda, H.W. & Bosch, F.A.J. van den (2021). In the Shadow of Social Stereotypes: Gender diversity on corporate boards, board chair's gender and strategic change. Organization Studies, 42, (11), 1677-1698.

    Stoelhorst, J.W. & Bridoux F.M. (2021). Rijnlands of Angelsaksisch? De Psychologie van Stakeholder Relaties. In Lückerath-Rovers, M., Ees, H. van, Kaptein, M. & Wuisman, I. (eds), Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2021-2022 (pp. 85-99). Deventer: Wolters-Kluwer.

    Stofberg, N., Bridoux, F., Ciulli, F., Pisani, N., Kolk, A. & Vock, M. (2021). A relational-models view to explain peer-to-peer sharing. Journal of Management Studies, 58, (4), 1033-1069.

    Tempelaar, M.P. & Vrande, V. van de (2021). Beggars can be choosers: Resource scarcity, dynamism, search activities, and their joint impact on performance. Long Range Planning, 54, (4).

    Volberda, H.W. & Heij, K. (2021). Reinventing business: hoe bedrijven hun businessmodel innoveren. In Witte, M. de, Vink, M.J. & Grinsven, M. van, (eds), Essenties van verandermanagement: een kleine canon van veranderkundige benaderingen, pp.11-132). Amsterdam: BOOM Uitgevers.

    Volberda, H.W. (2021). Investing in technology means nothing without investing in people and the organization, In Oude Luttighuis, B., Marani, G. & Bharosa, N. (eds), Innovating with Science: Insights for the digital public services of the future (pp. 48-53). Digicampus.

    Volberda, H.W., Khanagha, S., Baden-Fuller, C., Mihalache, O.R. & Birkinshaw, J. (2021). Strategizing in a digital world: Overcoming cognitive barriers, reconfiguring routines and introducing new organizational forms. Long Range Planning, 54, (5), 102110.

    Volberda, H.W., Schneidmuller, T. & Zadeh, T. (2021). Knowledge and Innovation: From Path Dependency toward Managerial Agency. In Duhaime, I.M., Hitt, M. & Lyles, M. (eds), Strategic Management: State of the Field and Its Future, Chapter 8 (pp. 444-466). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Wang, H., Zeng, Y. & Shenkar, O. (2021). Agricultural Roots and Subnational Cultural Heterogeneity in Domestic Acquisitions. Strategy Science, 6, (2), 141-165.

  • 2020

    Bohnsack, R., Kolk, A., Pinkse, J., & Bidmon, C. M. (2020). Driving the electric bandwagon: The dynamics of incumbents' sustainable product innovation. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(2), 727-743.

    Bridoux, F. M., & Vishwanathan, P. (2020). When Do Powerful Stakeholders Give Managers the Latitude to Balance All Stakeholders’ Interests? Business & Society, 59(2), 232-262.

    Ciulli, F., Kolk, A., & Boe-Lillegraven, S. (2020). Circularity Brokers: Digital Platform Organizations and Waste Recovery in Food Supply Chains. Journal of Business Ethics, 167(2), 299-331.

    Czibor, E., Onderstal, S., Sloof, R., & van Praag, C. M. (2020). Does relative grading help male students? Evidence from a field experiment in the classroom. Economics of Education Review, 75.

    Elia, S., Munjal, S., & Scalera, V. G. (2020). Sourcing Technological Knowledge Through Foreign Inward Licensing to Boost the Performance of Indian Firms: The Contingent Effects of Internal R&D and Business Group Affiliation. Management International Review.

    Fortanier, F., Miao, G., Kolk, A., & Pisani, N. (2020). Accounting for Firm Heterogeneity in Global Value Chains. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(3), 432-453.

    Georgallis, P., & Lee, B. (2020). Toward a theory of entry in moral markets: The role of social movements and organizational identity. Strategic Organization, 18(1), 50-74.

    Heij, C. V., Volberda, H. W., Van den Bosch, F. A. J., & Hollen, M. A. (2020). How to leverage the impact of R&D on product innovation? The moderating effect of management innovation. R & D Management, 50(2), 277-294.

    Hendriks, G. (2020). How outward investment from emerging markets affects economic development at home: Using the eclectic paradigm to synthesize two IB literatures. Multinational Business Review, 28(4), 463-482. 

    Hendriks, G. (2020). How the spatial dispersion and size of country networks shape the geographic distance that firms add during international expansion. International Business Review, 29(6), [101738]. 

    Hinloopen, J., Onderstal, A. M., & Treuren, L. M. (2020). Cartel Stability in Experimental First-Price Sealed-Bid and English auctions. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 71.

    Kolk, A., & Ciulli, F. (2020). The potential of sustainability-oriented digital platform multinationals. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 34, 355-358.

    Kolk, A., Kourula, A., Pisani, N., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2020). The state of international business, corporate social responsibility and development: Key insights and an application to practice. In P. Lund-Thomsen, M. W. Hansen, & A. Lindgreen (Eds.), Business and development studies: Issues and perspectives (pp. 257-285). (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizatoins and Technology). Routledge.

    Marino, A., Mudambi, R., Perri, A., & Scalera, V. G. (2020). Ties that bind: Ethnic inventors in multinational enterprises’ knowledge integration and exploitation. Research Policy, 49(9).

    Onderstal, S. (2020). Premium auctions in the field. Review of Economic Design, 24(1).

    Peterman, A., Kourula, A. E., & Levitt, R. (2020). Organizational roles in a sustainability alliance network. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(8), 3314-3330.

    Pisani, N., Garcia-Bernardo, J., & Heemskerk, E. (2020). Does it pay to be a multinational? A large‐sample, cross‐national replication assessing the multinationality‐performance relationship. Strategic Management Journal, 41(1), 152-172.

    Scalera, V. G., Mukherjee, D., & Piscitello, L. (2020). Ownership strategies in knowledge-intensive cross-border acquisitions: Comparing Chinese and Indian MNEs. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(1), 155–185.

    Shenkar, O., Tallman, S., Wang, H., & Wu, J. (2020). National culture and international business: A path forward. Journal of International Business Studies.

    Stofberg, N., Bridoux, F., Ciulli, F., Pisani, N., Kolk, A. & Vock, M. (2020). A relational-models view to explain peer-to-peer sharing. Forthcoming in Journal of Management Studies.

    Tuncdogan, A., & Volberda, H. W. (2020). The effects of perceived corporate brand personality on individuals' exploration and exploitation orientations: the moderating role of self‐brand connection. R & D Management, 50(2), 188-197.

    van der Straaten, K., Pisani, N., & Kolk, A. (2020). Unraveling the MNE wage premium. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(9), 1355-1390.

    Viva, L., Ciulli, F., Kolk, A., & Rothenberg, G. (2020). Designing circular waste management strategies: The case of organic waste in Amsterdam. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 4(9), [2000023].

    Vishwanathan, P., van Oosterhout, H. J., Heugens, P. P., Duran, P. & Van Essen, M. (2020). Strategic CSR: a concept building meta‐analysis. Forthcoming in Journal of Management Studies.

  • 2019

    Aguilera, R. V., Marano, V., & Haxhi, I. (2019). International corporate governance: A review and opportunities for future research. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(4), 457-498.

    Alexiev, A., Volberda, H., Jansen, J. & Bosch, F. van den (2019). Contextualizing Senior Executive Advice Seeking: The Role of Decision Process Comprehensiveness and Empowerment Climate. Forthcoming in Organization Studies

    Bianchi, M., Murtinu, S., & Scalera, V. G. (2019). R&D Subsidies as Dual Signals in Technological Collaborations. Research Policy, 48(9), [103821].

    Bridoux, F. & Vishwanathan, P. (2019). When do powerful stakeholders give managers the latitude to balance all stakeholders’ interests? Forthcoming in Business & Society.

    Buuse, D. van den & Kolk, A. (2019). An exploration of smart city approaches by international ICT firms. Forthcoming Technological Forecasting and Social Change142, 220-234.

    Ciulli, F. & Kolk, A. (2019). Incumbents and business model innovation for the sharing economy: Implications for sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production214, 995-1010.

    Ciulli, F., Kolk, A. & Boe-Lillegraven, S. (2019). Circularity brokers: Digital platform organizations and waste recovery in food supply chains. Forthcoming in Journal of Business Ethics.

    Delft, S. von, Kortmann, S., Gelhard, C. & Pisani, N. (2019). Leveraging global sources of knowledge for business model innovation. Forthcoming in Long Range Planning.

    Fransen, L., Kolk, A., & Rivera-Santos, M. (2019). The multiplicity of international corporate social responsibility standards: Implications for global value chain governance. Multinational Business Review, 27(4), 397-426.

    Georgallis, P., Dowell, G., & Durand, R. (2019). Shine on me: Industry coherence and policy support for emerging industries. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(3), 503-541.

    Haji, A., el & Onderstal, S. (2019). Trading places: An experimental comparison of reallocation mechanisms for priority queuing. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 28(4), 670-686.

    Kourula, A.E., Paukku, M.P., Peterman, A. & Koria, M. (2019). Intermediary roles in regulatory programs: Toward a role‐based framework. Forthcoming in Regulation & Governance, 1.

    Kourula, A., Moon, J., Salles-Djelic, M-L., & Wickert, C. (2019). New Roles of Government in the Governance of Business Conduct: Implications for Management and Organizational Research. Organization Studies, 40(8), 1101-1123.

    Kourula, A., Paukku, M., Peterman, A., & Koria, M. (2019). Intermediary roles in regulatory programs: Toward a role‐based framework. Regulation & Governance, 13(2), 141-156.

    Pisani, N., Kolk, A., Ocelik, V. & Wu, G. (2019). Does it pay for cities to be green? An investigation of FDI inflows and environmental sustainability. Forthcoming in Journal of International Business Policy(1), 62-85.

    Scalera, V.G., Mukherjee, D. & Piscitello, L. (2019). Ownership strategies in knowledge-intensive cross-border acquisitions: Comparing Chinese and Indian MNEs. Forthcoming in Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

    Stofberg, N., Bridoux, F., Ciulli, F., Pisani, N., Kolk, A. & Vock, M. (2019). A relational-models view to explain peer-to-peer sharing. Journal of Management Studies.

    von Delft, S., Kortmann, S., Gelhard, C., & Pisani, N. (2019). Leveraging global sources of knowledge for business model innovation. Long Range Planning, 52(5), [101848].

  • 2018

    Alexiev, A.S., Janssen, M. & Hertog, P. den (2018). The Moderating Role of Tangibility in Synchronous Innovation in Services. Journal of Product Innovation Management35, (5), 682-700.

    Betancourt, N., Kovács, B. & Otner, S.M.G. (2018). The perception of status: How we infer the status of others from their social relationships. Network Science6, (3).

    Chowdury, R., Kourula, A.E. & Siltaoja, M.E. (2018). Power of Paradox: Grassroots Organizations’ Legitimacy Strategies Over Time. Business & Society, 1.

    Durand, R. & Georgallis, P. (2018). Differential firm commitment to industries supported by social movement organizations. Organization Science, 29, (1).

    Kolk, A. & Rivera-Santos, M. (2018). The State of Research on Africa in Business and Management. Insights from a Systematic Review of Key International Journals. Business & Society57, (3), 415-436.

    Kolk, A. & Lenfant, F. (2018). Responsible business under adverse conditions: Dilemmas regarding company contributions to local development. Business Strategy & Development1, (1), 8-16.

    Kolk, A., Rivera-Santos, M. & Rufín, C. (2018). Multinationals, international business, and poverty: A cross-disciplinary research overview and conceptual framework. Journal of International Business Policy1, (1-2), 92-115.

    Pisani, N., Muller, A. & Bogăţan, P. (2018). Top management team internationalization and firm-level internationalization: The moderating effects of home-region institutional diversity and firm global focus. Journal of International Management24, (3), 239-256.

    Pisani, N. & Ricart, J.E. (2018). Offshoring innovation to emerging countries: The effects of IP protection and cultural differences on firms’ decision to augment versus exploit home-base-knowledge. Management International Review58, (6), 871-909.

  • 2017

    Bridoux, F., Coeurderoy, R. & Durand, R. (2017). Heterogeneous social motives and interactions: the three predictable paths of capability development.  Strategic Management Journal.

    Dahlmann, F., Kolk, A. & Lindeque, J. (2017). Emerging energy geographies: Scaling and spatial divergence in European electricity generation capacity. European Urban and Regional Studies.

    Hafenbrädl, S. & Waeger, D. (2017). Ideology and the Microfoundations of CSR: Why Executives Believe in the Business Case for CSR and how this Affects their CSR Engagements. Academy of Management Journal.

    Haxhi I., & Aguilera, R.V. (2017). An Institutional Configurational Approach to Cross-National Diversity in Corporate Governance.  Journal of Management Studies.

    Kolk, A. & Curran, L. (2017). Contesting a place in the sun: On ideologies in foreign markets and liabilities of origin.  Journal of Business Ethics.

    Kolk, A., Kourula, A. & Pisani, N. (2017). Multinational Enterprises and the Sustainable Development Goals: What do we know and how to proceed? Transnational Corporations.

    Kolk, A. & Lenfant, F. (2017). Responsible business under adverse conditions: Dilemmas regarding company contributions to local development. Business Strategy and Development

    Kolk, A. & Rivera-Santos, M. (2017). The state of research on Africa in business and management. Insights from a systematic review of key international journals. Business & Society

    Kolk, A. & Tsang, S. (2017). Co-evolution in relation to small cars and sustainability in China: Interactions between central and local governments, and with business. Business & Society.

    Kourula, A. & Mäkinen, J. (2017). Bringing Political Context Back into International Business Studies of Human Rights.  Management and Organization Review.

    Kourula, A., Pisani, N. & Kolk, A. (2017). Corporate Sustainability and Inclusive Development: Highlights from International Business and Management Research.  Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 

    Mudambi, R., Mudambi, S., Mukherjee, D. & Scalera V.G. (2017). Global connectivity and the evolution of industrial clusters: From tires to polymers in Northeast Ohio. Industrial Marketing Management.

    Pedersen, E., Lauesen, L. & Kourula, A. (2017). Back to Basics: Exploring Perceptions of of Stakeholders within the Swedish Fashion Industry. Social Responsibility Journal.

    Perri, A., Scalera, V.G. & Mudambi, R. (2017). What are the most promising sources of foreign knowledge? Innovation catch-up in the Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry. Industrial and Corporate Change.

    Pisani, N., Caldart, A. & Hopma, J. (2017). SMEs' formation of minority international joint ventures and level of internationalization: The moderating role of a global versus regional focus.  European Management Journal

    Pisani, N., Kourula, A., Kolk, A. & Meijer, R. (2017). How global is international CSR research? Insights and recommendations from a systematic review. Journal of World Business.

    Stoelhorst, J.W. (2017). Better Than Rational: A Naturalistic View of Economic Governance. Complexity, Governance & Networks.

    Weber, K. & Waeger, D. (2017). Organizations As Polities: An Open Systems Perspective.  Academy of Management Annals.

  • Older


    Alexiev, A.S., Volberda, H.W. & Bosch, F.A.J. van den (2016). Interorganizational collaboration and firminnovativeness: Unpacking the role of the organizational environment. Journal of Business Research

    Betancourt, N. & Wezel, F.C. (2016). The Credibility of Social Climbing: When Does Inter-Firm Mobility [Not] Influence Organizational Status? Organization Science

    Bridoux, F.M. & Stoelhorst, J.W. (2016). Stakeholder Relationships and Social Welfare: A Behavioral Theory of Contributions to Joint Value Creation. Academy of Management Review

    Bridoux, F., Stofberg, N. & Hartog, D.N. den (2016). Stakeholders' Responses to CSR Tradeoffs: When Other- Orientation and Trust Trump Material Self-Interest. Frontiers in Psychology,

    Bryant G.A. et al. (+ 31 co-authors in alphabetical order, including Quintelier K.) (2016). Detecting affiliation in colaughter across 24 societies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

    Halme. M., Kourula, A., Lindeman, S., Kallio, G., Lima-Toivanen, M. & Korsunova, A. (2016). Sustainability Innovation at the Base of the Pyramid Through Multi-Sited Rapid Ethnography. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

    Kauppila, O. P. & Tempelaar, M. P. (2016). The Social-Cognitive Underpinnings of Employees’ Ambidextrous Behaviour and the Supportive Role of Group Managers’ Leadership. Journal of Management Studies.

    Keller, K.O., Dekimpe, M.G. & Geyskens, I. (2016). Let Your Banner Wave? Antecedents and Performance Implications of Retailers’ Private-Label Branding Strategies. Journal of Marketing.

    Kolk, A. (2016). The social responsibility of international business: From ethics and the environment to CSR and sustainable development. Journal of World Business.

    Kolk, A. & Lenfant, F. (2016). Hybrid business models for peace and reconciliation. Business Horizons.

    Kolk, A., Vock, M. & Dolen, W.M. van (2016). Microfoundations of partnerships: Exploring the role of employees in trickle effects. Journal of Business Ethics.

    Kortmann, S. & Piller F.T. (2016). Open Business Models and Closed-Loop Value Chains: Redefining the Firm- Consumer Relationship. California Management Review.

    Kourula, A. & Delalieux, G. (2016). The Micro-Level Foundations and Dynamics of Political Corporate Social Responsibility: Hegemony and Passive Revolution through Civil Society. Journal of Business Ethics.

    Murtinu, S. & Scalera, V.G. (2016). Sovereign wealth funds’ internationalization strategies: The use of investment vehicles. Journal of International Management.

    Patrucco, A.S., Scalera, V.G. & Luzzini, D. (2016). Risks and governance modes in offshoring decision. Supply Chain 20 Forum: An International Journal.

    Pisani, N. & Ricart, J.E. (2016). Offshoring of services: A review of the literature and organizing framework. Management International Review.

    Sikimic, U., Chiesa, V., Frattini, F. & Scalera, V.G. (2016). Investigating the influence of technology inflows on technology outflows in open innovation processes: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Product Innovation Management.

    Westermann-Behaylo, M.K., Buren, H.J. van & Berman, S.L. (2016). Stakeholder Capability Enhancement as a Path to Promote Human Dignity and Cooperative Advantage. Business Ethics Quarterly.


    Bohnsack, R., Kolk, A. & Pinkse, J. (2015). Catching recurring waves: Low-emission vehicles, international policy developments and firm innovation strategies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

    Hart, T., David, P., Shao, F., Fox, C., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2015). An examination of the impact of executive compensation disparity on corporate social performance. Strategic Organization.

    Kleinknecht, R.H. (2015). Employee participation in corporate governance: Implications for company resilience. European Journal of Industrial Relations.

    Kolk, A. (2015). The role of international business in clean technology transfer and development. Climate Policy. 

    Kolk, A. & Lenfant, F. (2015). Partnerships for peace and development in fragile states: Identifying missing links. Academy of Management Perspectives.

    Kolk, A. & Lenfant, F. (2015). Cross-sector collaboration, institutional gaps and fragility: The role of social innovation partnerships in a conflict-affected region.  Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.

    Kolk, A., Van Dolen, W.M. & Ma, L. (2015). Consumer perceptions of CSR: (how) is China different? International Marketing Review.

    Kortmann, S. (2015). The mediating role of strategic orientations on the relationship between ambidexterity-oriented decisions and innovative ambidexterity. Journal of Product Innovation Management.

    Midttun, A., Gjolberg, M., Kourula, A., Sweet, S. & Vallentin, S. (2015). Public policies for corporate social responsibility in four Nordic countries: Harmony of goals and conflict of means. Business & Society.

    Mom, T.J.M., Van Neerijnen, P., Reinmoeller, P., & Verwaal, E. (2015). Relational Capital and Individual Exploration: Unravelling the influence of goal alignment and knowledge acquisition. Organization Studies. 

    Muller, A., & Kolk, A. (2015). Responsible Tax as Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Multinational Enterprises and Effective Tax in India. Business & Society.

    Rivera-Santos, M., Holt, D., Littlewood, D. & Kolk, A. (2015). Social entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa. Academy of Management Perspectives.

    Quintelier, K.J.P. & Fessler, D.M.T. (2015). Confounds in Moral/Conventional Studies. Philosophical Explorations.

    Westermann-Behaylo, M., Rehbein, K. & Fort, T. (2015).  Enhancing the Conception of Corporate Diplomacy: Encompassing Political Corporate Social Responsibility, International Relations, and Peace Through Commerce.  Academy of Management Perspectives.


    Bohnsack, R., Pinkse, J. & Kolk, A. (2014). Business models for sustainable technologies: Exploring business model evolution in the case of electric vehicles. Research Policy.

    Bridoux, F. & Stoelhorst, J.W. (2014). Microfoundations for Stakeholder Theory: Managing Stakeholders with Heterogeneous Motives. Strategic Management Journal.

    Ghemawat, P. & Pisani, N. (2014). The Fortune Global 500 isn’t all that global. Harvard Business Review Online Edition.

    Kolk, A. (2014). Linking subsistence activities to global marketing systems: The role of institutions. Journal of Macromarketing.

    Kolk, A., Lindeque, J. & Van den Buuse, D. (2014). Regionalization strategies of EU electric utilities. British Journal of Management.

    Kolk, A. & Perego, P. (2014). Sustainable bonuses: Sign of corporate responsibility or window dressing? Journal of Business Ethics.

    Kolk, A., Rivera-Santos, M. & Rufín, C. (2014). Reviewing a decade of research on the "Base/Bottom of the Pyramid" (BOP) concept. Business & Society.

    Kortmann, S., Gelhard, C., Zimmerman, C., & Piller, F. T. (2014). Linking strategic flexibility and operational efficiency: The mediating role of ambidextrous operational capabilities. Journal of Operations Management.

    Mena, S., & Waeger, D. (2014). Activism for corporate responsibility: Conceptualizing private regulation opportunity structures. Journal of Management Studies.

    Muller, A.R., Pfarrer, M.D., & Little, L.M. (2014). A Theory of Collective Empathy in Corporate Philanthropy Decisions.  Academy of Management Review

    Peterman, A., Kourula, A. & Levitt. R. (2014). Balancing act: Government roles in an energy conservation network. Research Policy.

    Pinkse, J., Bohnsack, R. & Kolk, A. (2014). The role of public and private protection in disruptive innovation: The automotive industry and the emergence of low-emission vehicles. Journal of Product Innovation Management.

    Quintelier, K.J.P. & Zijlstra, L. (2014). How not to argue about is/ought inferences in the cognitive sciences. Frontiers in Psychology.

    Situmeang, F.B.I., Leenders, M.A.A.M. & Wijnberg, N.M. (2014). History matters: The impact of reviews and sales of earlier versions of a product on consumer and expert reviews of new editions. European Management Journal. 

    Situmeang, F.B.I., Wijnberg, N.M., and Leenders, M.A.A.M. (2014). The good, the bad and the variable: How evaluations of past editions influence the success of sequels. European Journal of Marketing.

    Stoelhorst, J.W. (2014). The Future of Evolutionary Economics Is in a Vision from the Past. Journal of Institutional Economics.

    Westermann-Behaylo, M., Berman, S.L., & Van Buren, III, H.J. (2014). The influence of institutional logics on corporate responsibility toward employees. Business & Society.


    Bridoux, F., Smith, K. G. & Grimm, C. (2013). The management of resources: Temporal effects of different types of actions on performance. Journal of Management.

    De Graaf, F.J. & Stoelhorst, J.W. (2013). The Role of Corporate Governance in Corporate Social Responsibility: Lessons from Dutch Finance. Business & Society.

    Ghemawat, P, Pisani, N. (2013). Are multinationals becoming less global? Harvard Business Review Online Edition.

    Haxhi I., van Ees, H., & Sorge A. (2013). A political perspective on business elites and institutional embeddedness in the UK code-issuing process. Corporate Governance: An International Review.

    Kolk, A. (2013). Mainstreaming sustainable coffee. Sustainable Development.

    Kolk, A. & Fortanier, F. (2013). Internationalization and environmental disclosure: The role of home and host institutions. Multinational Business Review.

    Kolk, A. & Lenfant, F. (2013). Multinationals, CSR and partnerships in Central African conflict countries. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

    Muller, A., Pfarrer, M., & Little, L. (2013). A Theory of Collective Empathy in Corporate Philanthropy Decisions. Academy of Management Review.

    Perols, J., Zimmermann, C., & Kortmann, S. (2013). On the Relationship between Supplier Integration and Time-to-Market. Journal of Operations Management.

    Quintelier, K., Ishii, K., Weeden, J., Kurzban, R. & Braeckman, J. (2013). Individual differences in reproductive strategy are related to views about recreational drug use in Belgium, the Netherlands and Japan. Human Nature.

    Stoelhorst, J.W. & Richerson, P.J. (2013). A Naturalistic Theory of Economic Organization. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.


    Bhansing, P.V., Leenders, M.A.A.M. and Wijnberg, N.M. (2012) Performance Effects of Cognitive Heterogeneity in Dual Leadership Structures in the Arts: The Role of Selection System Orientations, European Management Journal.

    Bruggeman, J., Grunow, D., Leenders, M.A.A.M., Vermeulen, I. & Kuilman, J.G. (2012), Strategic Market Positioning: The Shifting Effects of Niche Overlap. Industrial and Corporate Change.

    Bulkeley, H., Andanova, L., Backstrand, K., Betsill, M., Compagnon, D., Duffy, R., Kolk, A., Hoffmann, M., Levy, D., Newell, P., Milledge, T., Paterson, M., Pattberg, P. & VandeVeer, S. (2012). Governing climate change transnationally: Assessing the evidence from a database of sixty initiatives. Environment and Planning C.

    Chandra Y. & Leenders, M.A.A.M. (2012). User Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Virtual World. Technovation.

    Gemser G., Leenders, M.A.A.M. & Weinberg, C.B. (2012), More Effective Assessment of Market Performance in Later Stages of the Product Development Process: The Case of the Motion Picture Industry. Marketing Letters.

    Hende, E.A. van den & Schoormans, J.P.L. (2012). The Story is as Good as the Real Thing. Journal of Product Innovation and Management.

    Hende, E.A. van den, Dahl, D.W., Schoormans, J.P.L. & Snelders, D. (2012). Narrative Transportation in Concept Tests for Really New Products: The Moderating Effect of Reader-Protagonist Similarity. Journal of Product Innovation and Management.

    Kolk, A. (2012). The role of consumers in EU energy policy. Carbon Management.

    Kolk, A. (2012). Towards a sustainable coffee market? Paradoxes faced by a multinational company. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

    Kolk, A., Lee, H.H. & Van Dolen, W. (2012). A fat debate on Big Food? Unraveling blogosphere reactions. California Management Review.

    Kolk, A. & Lenfant, F. (2012). Business-NGO collaboration in a conflict setting: Partnership activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Business & Society.

    Kolk, A., & Van den Buuse, D. (2012). In search of viable business models for development: Sustainable energy in developing countries. Corporate Governance: International Journal of Business in Society.

    Laasonen, S., Fougère, M. & Kourula, A. (2012). Dominant articulations in academic business and society discourse on NGO-business relations: A critical assessment. Journal of Business Ethics.

    Mäkinen, J. & Kourula, A. (2012). Pluralism in political corporate social responsibility. Business Ethics Quarterly.

    McGuire, S.M., Lindeque, J.P. & Suder, G. (2012) 'Learning and Lobbying: Emerging Market Firms and Corporate Political Activity in Europe'. European Journal of International Management.

    Mol, J.M., Chiu, M.M. and Wijnberg, N.M. (2012) Love me Tender: New Entry in Popular Music, Journal of Organizational Change Management.

    Perego, P. & Kolk, A. (2012). Multinationals’ accountability on sustainability: The evolution of third-party assurance of sustainability reports. Journal of Business Ethics.

    Peterman, A., Kourula,A. & R. Levitt: 2012, A Roadmap for Navigating Voluntary and Mandated Programs for Building Energy Efficiency. Energy Policy.

    Pinkse, J. & Kolk, A. (2012). Addressing the climate change - sustainable development nexus: The role of multi-stakeholder partnerships. Business & Society.

    Pinkse, J. & Kolk, A. (2012). Multinational enterprises and climate change: Exploring institutional failures and embeddedness. Journal of International Business Studies.

    Rivera-Santos, M., Rufin, C. & Kolk, A. (2012). Bridging the institutional divide: Partnerships in subsistence markets. Journal of Business Research.


    Bridoux, F., Coeurderoy, R. & Durand, R. (2011). Heterogeneous motives and the collective creation of value. Academy of Management Review.

    Fortanier, F., Kolk, A. & Pinkse, J. (2011). MNEs, global CSR standards and domestic institutions: Harmonization and country-of-origin effects in CSR reporting. Management International Review.

    Gemser, G. & Leenders, M.A.A.M. (2011). Managing the Marketing – R&D interface for New Product Success. Long Range Planning.

    Johnson, J.L., Martin, K.D. & Saini, A. (2011). Strategic Culture and Environmental Dimensions as Determinants of Anomie in Publicly-Traded and Privately Held Firms. Business Ethics Quarterly.

    Kelly, D.M., Johnson, J.L. & French, J.J. (2011). Institutional Pressures and marketing Ethics Initiatives: The Focal Role of Organizational Identity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

    Kolk, A. & Mulder, G. (2011). Regulatory uncertainty and opportunity seeking: The climate change clean development case. California Management Review .

    Leenders, M. & J. Eliashberg (2011). Antecedents and consequences of restrictive age ratings in the motion picture industry around the globe. International Journal of Research in Marketing.

    Marcus, A., Aragón-Correa, A. & Pinkse, J. (2011). Firms, Regulatory Uncertainty, and the Natural Environment: What can we Expect? What should Managers do? California Management Review.

    Martin, K.D., Johnson, J.L. & French, J.J. (2011). Institutional Pressures and Marketing Ethecs Initiatives: The Focal Role of Organizational Identity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

    Mol, J.M. & Wijnberg, N.M. (2011). From Resources to Value and Back: Competition Between and Within Organizations. British Journal of Management.

    Muller, A. & Kräussl, R. (2011). Doing Good Deeds in Times of Need: A Strategic Perspective on Corporate Disaster Donations. Strategic Management Journal.

    Muller, A. & Kräussl, R. (2011). The Value of Corporate Philanthropy During Times of Crisis: The Signaling Effect of Employee Involvement. Journal of Business Ethics.

    Pinkse, J. & Van den Buuse, D. (2011). The development and commercialization of solar PV technology in the oil industry. Energy Policy.

    Slangen, A. (2011). A communication-based theory of the choice between greenfield and acquisition entry. Journal of Management Studies.

    Slangen, A., Beugelsdijk, S. & Hennart, J.F. (2011). The impact of cultural distance on bilateral arm's length exports: An international business perspective. Management International Review.

    Smeets, R. & Bosker, E.M. (2011). Leaders, laggards, and technology seeking strategies. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.


    Beugelsdijk, S., Hennart, J.F., Slangen, A. & Smeets, R. (2010). Why and how FDI stocks are a biased measure of MNE affiliate activity. Journal of International Business Studies.

    Beugelsdijk, S. & Slangen, A.H.L. (2010). The impact of national cultural distance on the number of foreign website visits by U.S. households. Cyberpsychology & behavior.

    Fortanier, F. & Van Wijk, J. (2010). Sustainable tourism industry development in sub-Saharan Africa: Consequences of foreign hotels for local employment. International Business Review.

    Hahn, T., Kolk, A. & Winn, M. (2010). A new future for business? Rethinking management theory and business strategy. Business and Society.

    Hahn, T., Figge, F., Pinkse, J. & Preuss, L. (2010). Trade-offs in corporate sustainability: You can't have your cake and eat it. Business Strategy and the Environment.

    Haxhi, I. & Van Ees, H. (2010). Explaining diversity in the worldwide diffusion of codes of good governance. Journal of International Business Studies.

    Kolk, A. (2010). Trajectories of sustainability reporting by MNCs. Journal of World Business.

    Kolk, A. (2010). Social and sustainability dimensions of regionalization and (semi)globalization. Multinational Business Review.

    Kolk, A., Dolen, W. van & Vock, M. (2010). Trickle effect of cross-sector social partnerships. Journal of Business Ethics.

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