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The Amsterdam Business School's Executive MBA (EMBA) has once again been listed in the global top 100 of the Financial Times (FT) EMBA Ranking. The EMBA performed particularly well in the areas of international course experience, the percentage of female students, and the percentage of international staff and students.

The ranking, released earlier this week, features the ABS Executive MBA programme for the second year in a row.

Sebastian Kortmann, the EMBA programme director, attributes the programme's success to the Amsterdam Business School's ongoing committment to high-quality education: 'As a young, boutique programme with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, being ranked again is a testament to our continuous growth and development. From our first-ever ranking last year to this year’s success, we’re excited to keep pushing boundaries and shaping the future of business education.'

About the Executive MBA at the ABS

The EMBA is a 2-year part-time non-funded education programme offered 2 evenings a week. It attracts a select group of students. This group has an average age of 36 and 10-12 years of work experience. The programme is attended by top business professionals (such as Heineken, Unilever), as well as people working at NGOs, government, sustainability startups, and self-employed entrepreneurs.