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The Amsterdam Business School’s Executive Master in International Finance (MIF) has been included in the Financial Times (FT) Masters in Finance post-experience 2024 ranking. The MIF was ranked at number 3 with an overall satisfaction rating of 8.5.

The 3rd place ranking underlines the quality of education offered by the Amsterdam Business School. Some of the factors used to compile the ranking include how many students found a job after graduation, salary increase (43% to €138K on average), diversity of the faculty and overall satisfaction.

Added value

Programme Director Jens Martin: ‘I am extremely proud that the MIF has ranked among the top 3 post-experience finance programmes worldwide. This achievement highlights the high quality of our curriculum, which is consistently updated to reflect the latest industry developments. Furthermore, our 2nd place ranking in career progress demonstrates the significant value of obtaining a MIF degree. It’s also a reflection of the exceptional support provided by our career services and the outstanding efforts of our professors and staff in assisting our students'.

The ABS' pre-experience Master in Finance was ranked 61st. In 2023, the Amsterdam Business School's Executive MBA (EMBA) was ranked number 88.