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The EMBA, an education programme of the Amsterdam Business School (ABS), is ranked 88 in the global Financial Times EMBA Ranking. In the European list, the programme is even in the top 25. In terms of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) goals, the EMBA has made it to place 4. In addition, the programme ranks number 12 in the area for 'Carbon Footprint' and 30 in the Female Faculty and International Board categories.

Professor Marc Salomon, Dean of the ABS, expressed immense pride in the programme’s achievements. 'The Financial Times ranking is a testament to the relentless effort our faculty, staff and students put forth. At ABS, we believe in cultivating leaders who understand the importance of sustainability and diversity, and these rankings underscore our commitment to these principles.'

Sebastian Kortmann, the EMBA programme director: 'This acknowledgment confirms the Amsterdam Business School's commitment to developing leaders skilled in business expertise and promoting sustainable and responsible initiatives in their industries.'

About the Executive MBA at the ABS

The EMBA is a 2-year part-time non-funded education programme offered 2 evenings a week. It attracts a select group of students, with an average age of 36 and 10-12 years of work experience. The programme is attended by top business professionals (e.g. Heineken, Unilever), as well as people working at NGOs, government, sustainability startups, and self-employed entrepreneurs.