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In the coming 4 years, researchers Jarno Vrolijk, Shuai Yuan, Stefan Mol (ABS) and Alan Berg (UvA-ICTS) will be part of an Erasmus Partnership for Excellence - Centres of Vocational Excellence project that was recently awarded 3.9 million euros in funding from the EU. This will be used to fund the project they're working on: 'AI-powered Next Generation of Vocational Education and Training (VET)'.

The funding comes from the European Commission’s ERASMUS Partnership for Excellence – Centres for Vocational Excellence programme.  The project’s goal is to contribute to the digital transformation of the EU labour market by introducing new innovative teaching content and methods in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). This new content will be implemented in VET curricula across 11 European countries and 18 EU economic regions. This will support the development of an skilled AI workforce.

'A fair AI powered future for all'

The project will start by identifying the most promising sectors for deploying AI in the economic regions. The researchers AI education activities will include:

  • Providing input for creating 14 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS);
  • Preparing teacher training manuals;
  • Establishing 11 innovative AI VET campuses;
  • Launching 7 AI VET incubators for learners to develop creative and entrepreneurial skills.

These initiatives provide opportunities for training both young people and adults. This will help meet the needs of a dynamic labour market. The researchers feel that the activities in their project will contribute to the realisation of a sustainable, inclusive, and fair AI-powered future for all.