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Admission to the pre-Master’s Business Administration programme is highly selective. Please check the admission requirements for HBO Bachelor's students before submitting your application.

About the programme

With an HBO Bachelor’s degree related to Business Administration (e.g. Business Administration, Management, Economics or Commerce, Hotel Management) you will follow the full 30 EC programme and take all 6 courses.

Entry and selection requirements

Entry requirements consist of the minimum academic study and mathematics requirements which all applicants must achieve to qualify for admission. The selection is based on your GPA. 

  • 1. Dutch HBO Bachelor’s degree in a related field
  • 2. Mathematics

    Mathematics is a fundamental component of both the pre-Master’s and Master’s programme in Business Administration. An appropriate level of mathematics is therefore required before beginning the pre-Master’s programme. Applicants can fulfill this requirement in one of 3 ways:

    1. HAVO diploma with Wiskunde B and a grade of 6 or higher (Mathematics B1 and B2 before 2008)
    2. VWO diploma with Wiskunde A or B and a grade of 6 or higher
    3. VWO Wiskunde A or B Mathematics Certificate from one of the following institutions:

    Note that the mathematics requirement must be fulfilled on or before the application deadline. Applicants who do not meet the mathematics requirement are not eligible for admission.

    EU secondary school diploma

    Applicants with an international secondary school diploma may already meet this requirement. Check the shortlist below to see whether this applies to you. 

    • International Baccalaureate: Math SL, HL, A&A SL or HL, A&I HL  
    • European Baccalaureate: 5-period Mathematics 
    • British A-levels: A-level certificate in Mathematics or Physics 
    • German Abitur: Mathematik prüfungsfach as Grundkurs or Leistungskurs 
    • French Baccalaureate: Mathematics as final exam 
    • Belgian Algemeen Secundair Onderwijs: Mathematics as final exam 

    If your diploma is not listed and you would like to know whether you meet the mathematics requirement, please check the diploma calculator.

    If you do not meet the mathematic requirement you can take an extra exam at VWO Wiskunde A or B Mathematics Certificate from one of the above institutions. 

  • 3. Grade Point Average selection requirement

    There are many more applications from qualified candidates than there are places in the programme. As a result, the Admissions Office selects applicants for the pre-Master’s Business Administration programme based on their Grade Point Average (GPA).

    Students are required to have a GPA of at least 7.5 in years 2 - 4 of their Bachelor’s programme in order to be eligible for selection. 

    This means that you are not automatically admitted when you have a 7.5 GPA, but that you will be considered for the selection and placed on the waitlist.  

    Send your GPA calculation along with your application. You can provide an updated transcript before the 1 June application deadline, updated transcripts after 1 June will not be taken into consideration. We do not have a waiting list after selection.  

    In total, there are 100 places available for HBO students that will be given to the applicants with the highest GPA until all places are filled. 

How to apply

Only fully completed applications inclusive of all documents will be processed. All applicants who have qualified for selection will be informed of the result of their application.