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If you meet all the admission requirements, you can apply for the pre-Master's programme. Please complete these steps to apply. Only applicants who complete these steps will be considered.

The application for the September 2024 intake is closed.

February 2025 intake (online): The registration in Studielink is open, the application form in Embark will open in October 2024.

September 2025 intake (on campus): The registration in Studielink and application form in Embark will open in October 2024.

  • 1. Check the application deadline

    February 2025 intake

    For all applicants: 2 January 2025

    September 2024 intake

    For applicants with an EU degree: 1 May 2024
    For applicants with a Dutch degree: 1 June 2024
  • 2. Register in Studielink
  • 3. Check your personal enrolment checklist in SIS

    After registering in Studielink, you will receive your UvAnetID. This will give you access to check the status of your personal enrolment Checklist. There you find the subsequent steps that you need to take in order to complete your enrolment.  

  • 4. Submit your application in Embark

    In order to check if you are eligible for the programme you need to upload and submit your documents in our online application system Embark. Embark will open in October 2024 for the February 2025 and September 2025 intakes. Make sure you keep an eye on the deadlines! 

    You will most likely receive your results within 4-6 weeks after we have received a complete application, but in peak moments (January till June) evaluating your application may take a few weeks longer.

  • 5. Pay the tuition fee

    The tuition fees for your pre-Master’s programme depend on the number of ECTS credits you need to obtain. Please take into account that it is not possible to arrange payment of your tuition fees until the programme has officially admitted you to the pre-Master’s programme. The tuition fees for pre-Master's programmes are usually not calculated until August. 

How does the selection work?

Be advised that admission to the pre-Master's programme is highly selective.

For the February intake there are 25 places in total available.

For the September intake there are 100 places for HBO (applied sciences) students and 50 places for WO (research university) students available.

  • If the Admissions Office determines that you meet the entry requirements, your application will be forwarded to the Selection Round which takes place only after the application deadline has passed. 
  • During the selection round, all applicants are evaluated with respect to each other and in light of the above criteria. This means that simply meeting the minimum requirements is not a guarantee that you will be admitted. 
  • All applicants who qualify for the Selection Round will be informed of the result.

After admission: what's next?

If you have received the great news that you are (conditionally) admitted to the programme, it's time to focus on other essential matters like arranging a visa (if necessary), finding accommodation, and preparing for the start of your academic journey. We will inform you per email about these topics when (conditionally) admitted. Want to get an early idea of what you need to consider? Visit one of these helpful pages: practical information/praktische zaken (Dutch info)