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Why choose the Executive MSc in International Finance?

Accelerate your career

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Accelerate your career through our MIF Leadership Programme, extensive alumni network, and dedicated Careers Centre.

Directly apply your knowledge

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Apply skills and knowledge from the classroom directly to your workplace and enhance your learning curve with real-world experience.

Balance your career and study

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The programme is structured to be completed in 2 years alongside your employment, providing a practical balance between professional responsibilities and academic pursuits.

Triple-crown university

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We belong to the 1% of business schools worldwide that are Triple Crown accredited.

Rather study full-time? Check out our 1-year programme.

For whom? 

Professionals looking to excel in the global financial sector without compromising current commitments. Whether you are aiming to thrive in global finance or want to combine IT and innovation with finance.

Am I eligible? 

Upload your LinkedIn profile or CV and we will check if you are eligible to this Master's programme. We will respond within 3 business days. 

What will you learn?

  1. The newest developments in the finance industry. 
  2. Insight into key areas of finance based on the latest research. 
  3. Leadership and management skills to become a transformative leader. 
  4. International awareness and enhanced soft skills by working in diverse teams. 
  5. The practices of machine learning and benefits of big data and how to use them in finance. 
Priyanshi Daga - Student
Copyright: ABS EP
I wanted to learn more than just theories. I was looking for a more practical and work-oriented MSc that would give me a deeper understanding of the advanced concepts of finance and investments. Priyanshi Daga - Student Read Priyanshi's testimonial

Choose between 2 tracks

In this Master’s programme, you choose 1 of 2 tracks. Choose the track that fits your career ambitions best.

  • General track

    Dive into finance from the perspective of banking, asset pricing and quantitative finance and corporate finance.

  • Finance and Technology track

    Get a greater understanding of technology's role in the financial sector. By the end of your Master's you are able to assess and manage financial risks, using all available data and tools.

Class profile 

Your fellow students play a key part in your learning experience. For 24 months, you will follow the same path, share your views, questions, insights, experiences and create lifelong relations. You will meet an international mix of full-time students and working part-timers. All with different cultural and professional backgrounds and academic skills. 

Reviews from our students

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc International Finance
Contract teaching
65 ECTS, 24 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Roeterseiland campus