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The department Business Analytics, Amsterdam Business School at University of Amsterdam, will deliver a one-week Workshop on Analytics for a Better World from 10 September - 16 September, 2023 in Istanbul (Turkey).
Event details of Workshop on Analytics for a Better World – Istanbul (Turkey)
Start date
10 September 2023
End date
16 September 2023

A workshop on analytics - What do we aim for?

The department Business Analytics, Amsterdam Business School at University of Amsterdam in collaboration with the Analytics for a Better World (ABW) Institute and the Istanbul Technical University are happy to invite female PhD students from Iran and Turkey to join the upcoming workshop on analytics for a better world.  

Nowadays analytics significantly contributes to the success of companies. However, analytics can be, and has proven to be, also extremely valuable in solving major challenges facing society: climate, hunger, healthcare, and so on. The main theme of this workshop is to show the importance of and train about analytics for a better world.


All sessions will take place in Istanbul Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey.

For whom?

The workshop is intended for 25 female PhD students, 10 from Iran, 10 from Turkey, and 5 from the Business Analytics department of the University of Amsterdam.

Female PhD students based in Iran and Turkey and whose research is in areas such as computer science, business analytics, statistics, and other analytics related areas are invited to apply for this workshop.


The travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the University of Amsterdam (with an upper limit per person).


The workshop will include four Analytics for a Better World sessions that demonstrate the importance of analytics for society. These sessions revolve around real-life cases with high societal impact:

  • I am not in the data: the importance of representation and inclusion in data stories
  • Framing of disasters in digital media using NLP: a case study on flood management in Malawi
  • Optimal food supply chain
  • Explainable Machine Learning for healthcare 

In addition to these four sessions, we will have two sessions on PhD skills:

  • Written & oral communication
  • Project management & organisation

Participants will also have the opportunity to present their own work. Interaction between participants throughout the sessions and during an additional planned guided tour in Istanbul will contribute to new discussions, ideas, and perspectives.

Planned tour in Istanbul 13 September 2023.

Please find a general overview of the programme of the week attached.


You can apply for participation via the link below. You will be asked to upload a recent CV and movitation letter during the survey.

Applications are open until August 4, 2023.

Notifications will be sent out on 11 August 2023.

Organising team:

Dr C.M. (Claudia) Orellana Rodriguez

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Business Analytics

T.E. (Tabea) Röber

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Business Analytics

Dr A. (Reza) Mohammadi

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Business Analytics

Prof. dr. S.I. (Ilker) Birbil

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Business Analytics