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On Wednesday 24 January the book presentation of ‘The AI Revolution’, by ABS PhD candidate Maarten Sukel, took place at Pakhuis De Zwijger. In the book, Sukel describes how this new technology is changing society.
Maarten Sukel (l) and rector magnificus Peter-Paul Verbeek

About the book

'AI blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction, can reinforce stereotypes and create more inequality. But it can also contribute to solutions to large-scale problems such as aging, looming food shortages and the climate crisis.'

Rector magnificus Peter-Paul Verbeek accepted the first copy. After that a panel discussion on the social impact of AI took place.

Machine Learning solutions to complex social issues

Sukel is doing his PhD part-time at the Multimedia Information Retrieval for Business lab. This is a collaboration between the Amsterdam Business School and the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science (FNWI). Sukel’s supervisors are Stevan Rudinac (ABS) and Marcel Worring (FNWI). His research focuses on Machine Learning solutions to complex social issues.

Publisher Balans: De AI Revolutie