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Yasmine van der Straten, PhD student at the Finance section was a guest at the Catshuis on Monday 19 June. She was one of the PhD students invited to participate in a session on 'Broad Prosperity'. She discussed insights from her research with, among others, Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag, Minister of Economy Micky Adriaansens and Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Karien van Gennip.

After the PhD students presented their research, lively discussions followed. Van der Straten: 'We went into our research, but also discussed how to better integrate broad welfare into policy. We talked about why it is important to shift our focus to the long term and the future of young people. We also discussed how we can bring policy and economics closer together.'

Kaag: Hugely inspired

In a LinkedIn post Minister Kaag wrote she was hugely inspired by the PhD students. 'Your studies testified to your deep commitment to improving prosperity - for all. You approached complex issues such as a more inclusive labour market and better wealth distribution with innovative solutions. It was an enriching experience to hear you speak’, Minister Kaag said.