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Sports Innovation Management

While innovations, innovation management and transformation have been studied widely in corporate settings, current knowledge on innovation management in the field of sports is lacking. Based on the Dutch Sport Innovation Monitor, the baseline measurement from 2020/2021, a new European study has been launched to explore the role of innovations on performance outcomes and impact in sport organisations. Furthermore, the key drivers and antecedents of sports innovations will be uncovered. The goal of the survey is to create a benchmarking (Sport Innovation Index, SII) and self-assessment tool for sport organisations, to continuously track and compare their progress regarding innovation adoption. Overall, the research illuminates the role of sports innovation in tackling diverse societal, organisational and sporting challenges such as digitalisation, technological innovations, management and governance innovation in the sports sector.  Meanwhile related factors and mechanisms, as well as opportunities for development and maximising impact will be identified employing quantitative and qualitative methods. Thus, the PhD project aims to make a significant contribution in the field, in academia and in broader society.

This PhD research is partly embedded in an Erasmus+ project spanning multiple European countries in collaboration with the Mulier Institute and SportInnovator.