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Healthcare systems are under pressure. For the Dutch healthcare system, maybe the most urgent problem are staff shortages and the underlying problem of falling productivity, but safety, access and costs are also high on the list. Such challenges are not primarily medical in nature, but instead, concern the delivery of care and are about the performance of healthcare institutions as a production system.

This PhD project focusses on the implementation of technology (eg. AI, ERP, HIS)  in complex healthcare systems and tries to understand why certain implementation projects fail and why some thrive.

To be more precise, this research will study the conditions for success or failure, aiming to identify the antecedents of implementation failure, which helps decision makers in choosing implementation opportunities with a reasonable chance of success and avoiding implementation attempts that are doomed to fail. Moreover, this research will propose and motivate actionable insights for policy makers that helps them in creating the right preconditions for the successful implementation of technology and operations improvement in healthcare.