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Fundamentally, Marketing aims to answer the question of how consumers make choices. Of course, this could be used to maximise a firm's profit. However, my research purpose lies in the intersection between understanding consumer behaviour and learning how to nudge them to make better choices for the environment and themselves. Thus, my focus is Marketing for Societal Impact.

During my PhD, I will deal with topics like techno-optimism, pro-environmental behaviour and polarisation.

Why polarisation?

Many stakeholders expect companies to demonstrate their values by expressing public support for or opposing one side of a partisan sociopolitical issue (Bhagwat et al., 2020). Companies frequently take public stands on controversial social, political, economic, and environmental issues. However, these actions do not merely influence consumer engagement or firm values. Sometimes, they may also contribute to broader societal polarisation.

Ultimately, this research explores how marketing strategies effectively bridge polarised groups while maintaining brand authenticity.

Why techno-optimism?

Emerging technologies such as carbon capture, renewable energy solutions, and sustainable agricultural practices provide a beacon of hope. However, while these advancements hold transformative potential, public optimism around them presents a double-edged sword. On one side, technological optimism can mobilise people toward adopting sustainable practices and supporting essential environmental policies. Conversely, it may fuel a "wait-and-see" approach, where reliance on future solutions delays critical actions needed today.

This research explores whether belief in innovations like carbon capture and renewable energy drives immediate sustainable behaviour or delays action. By studying public perceptions, we provide insights for policymakers and advocates to frame climate communication for real impact.