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The UvA Economics and Business PhD council represents the interests of all PhD candidates at the Faculty of Economics and Business, from both the Amsterdam Business School (ABS) as well as the Amsterdam School of Economics (ASE).

Our aim is to be a sounding board for organisational developments within the faculty that concern PhD candidates. In addition to this, we want to stimulate interaction and communication between PhD students at different sections and departments.

Please feel free to contact us via for any issues that you might have in mind concerning your PhD, e.g. employment, supervision, administration, or university policies. You can also always contact the council member responsible for your department from the list below. We will discuss your concerns in our monthly meetings and will try to contact the respective organs of the university.

PhD @ EB Community

The PhD @ Economics and Business (EB) Community is a separate entity within the EB PhD Council, and has 3 main goals:

  • organising social events;
  • increasing cooperation between the different departments at ABS and ASE (knowledge sharing);
  • supporting PhD candidates and aiding them in their development.

Some of the events organised by the Community include an academic job market coaching, a yearly social outing, monthly drinks, and PhD seminars. You can find the PhD @ EB Community and their activities on Facebook

Council members

N.M.T. (Thu) Nguyen MPhil

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Y. (Yasmine) van der Straten

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance