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This dissertation aims to explore proactive behavior in organizations in relational work settings (i.e. team work). On the one hand, employees are asked to be proactive: to show self-started behaviors that are aimed at improving the work situation with a long term focus. On the other hand, the rise of team work has employees working closely together in teams, work groups or projects, with the aim of making optimal use of the different knowledge, skills and abilities available. These two developments together mean that employees are asked to proactively shape not only their personal work situation, but also that of their peers. With this dissertation I set out to explore the consequences of these two co-occurring developments, exploring team proactivity, proactive interaction between coworkers, and leader-member interactions in relation to proactivity.
The results of the research in this dissertation show that employees can work together to be proactive, provided that they make use of their differing views and reflect structurally about their ways of working. Furthermore, employees can work together proactively, with other employees as well as with their manager. As long as there is a right fit in efficacy (both manager and employee are confident of their roles) and/or personality with behavior (voice targeted at neurotic/extraverted employees). There is more to it than simply putting employees together and waiting for the magic to happen. Through interaction at work and due to individual differences or synchronicity between people, proactivity may wither or thrive.