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This dissertation focuses on investigating the consequences of today’s flexible labor market on the jobs, careers, and employment relationships of workers. On the one hand, due to the changing nature of the world of work, workers are increasingly required to self-regulate, and to be adaptable and proactive in their jobs and careers. On the other hand, the rise and spread of non-traditional employment arrangements such as temporary and platform work, bring about challenges to the traditional conceptualization of management of the employment relationship which has consequences for the workers themselves. The research presented in this dissertation therefore aims to answer the following research questions: What are the self-regulatory behaviors that individuals can implement at different stages of their careers, and what are their benefits? What can be done from an HRM point of view to manage the employment relationships of those who work in non-traditional employment arrangements?

The first two empirical studies in this dissertation point at the importance of different self-regulatory behaviors and beliefs (such as job search self-efficacy and career adaptabilities) implemented by workers in multiple moments of their careers. The last two empirical studies highlight the relevance and consequences of different HRM practices in managing workers in non-traditional employment contexts such as temporary and platform work. Overall, both employees’ self-regulation and their employment relationships have an impact on employees, in terms of their attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and well-being. In this dissertation, we discuss the theoretical, practical, and methodological implications of the results presented.