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Dr. M.K. (Michelle) Westermann-Behaylo

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Strategy & International Business
Photographer: Ineke Oostveen

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Room number: M3.01
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Leonel, R., Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., & Rehbein, K. (2024). Firms’ Response to Slacktivism: When and Why are E-Petitions Effective? Journal of Management Studies. Advance online publication.


    • Olsen, T., Rehbein, K., Snelson-Powell, A., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2022). Human rights in the oil and gas industry: When are policies and practices enough to prevent abuse? Business & Society, 61(6), 1512-1557. [details]
    • Veeger, J., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2022). Knowledge exchange within multi-stakeholder initiatives: tackling the Sustainable Development Goals. In Z. Khan, S. R. Nair, & Y. K. Lew (Eds.), Research Handbook on Knowledge Transfer and International Business (pp. 108-135). (Research Handbooks in Business and Management series). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Van Buren III, H. J., Schrempf-Stirling, J., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2021). Business and Human Trafficking: A Social Connection and Political Responsibility Model. Business & Society, 60(2), 341-375. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Bwana, R. M., Baart, A., de Boer, V., Lenfant, F., Morisho, N., Westermann-Behaylo, M., & Worring, M. (2020). Developing a Crowdsourcing Application for Responsible Production in Africa. In WebSci'20: companion of the 12th ACM Conference on Web Science : July 6-10, 2020, Southampton, UK (pp. 48-53). The Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Kolk, A., Kourula, A., Pisani, N., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2020). The state of international business, corporate social responsibility and development: Key insights and an application to practice. In P. Lund-Thomsen, M. W. Hansen, & A. Lindgreen (Eds.), Business and development studies: Issues and perspectives (pp. 257-285). (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizatoins and Technology). Routledge. [details]
    • Van Buren III, H. J., Schrempf-Stirling, J., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2020). Toward Ethical Commitment: Avoiding MNC Entanglement in Modern Slavery. AIB Insights, 20(2), Article 13540. [details]


    • Groot, P., Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., Perrault, E., & Rehbein, K. (2019). Stakeholder activism and corporate environmental performance: The role of social media. Academy of Management proceedings, 2019, 1373-1378. [details]


    • Fort, T. L., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. K. (2016). Why Not Business? In J. Forrer, & C. Seyle (Eds.), The Role of Business in the Responsibility to Protect (pp. 51-68). Cambridge University Press.
    • Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., Van Buren III, H. J., & Berman, S. L. (2016). Stakeholder Capability Enhancement as a Path to Promote Human Dignity and Cooperative Advantage. Business Ethics Quarterly, 26(4), 529-555. [details]


    • Hart, T. A., David, P., Shao, F., Fox, C. J., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2015). An examination of the impact of executive compensation disparity on corporate social performance. Strategic Organization, 13(3), 200-223. [details]
    • Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., Rehbein, K., & Fort, T. (2015). Enhancing the concept of corporate diplomacy: encompassing political corporate social responsibility, international relations, and peace through commerce. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 29(4), 387-404. [details]


    • Elise, P., Berman, S., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2014). Revisiting Issue Management: #The impact of social media. Academy of Management proceedings, 2014, 131-136. [details]
    • Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., Berman, S. L., & Van Buren, H. J. (2014). The Influence of Institutional Logics on Corporate Responsibility Towards Employees. Business & Society, 53(5), 714-746. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Bishara, N. D., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2012). The Law and Ethics of Restrictions on an Employee’s Post-Employment Mobility. American Business Law Journal, 49(1), 1-61.
    • Elms, H., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. K. (2012). Corporate social responsibility. In Socially Responsible Finance and Investing Financial Institutions, Corporations, Investors and Activists, (pp. 39-54). John Wiley & Sons.


    • Oetzel, J., Westermann-Behaylo, M., Koerber, C., Fort, T. L., & Rivera, J. (2009). Business and Peace: Sketching the Terrain. Journal of Business Ethics, 89(Suppl. 4), 351-373.
    • Westermann-Behaylo, M. (2009). Institutionalizing Peace through Commerce: Engagement or Divestment in South Africa and Sudan. Journal of Business Ethics, 89(Suppl. 4), 417-434.


    • Fort, T. L., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. K. (2008). Moral Maturity, Peace through Commerce, and the Partnership Dimension. In O. Williams (Ed.), Peace through Commerce: Responsible Corporate Citizenship and the Ideals of the United Nations Global Compact (pp. 55-74). (John W. Houck Notre Dame Series in Business Ethics). University of Notre Dame Press.



    • Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., Snelson-Powell, A. C., Olsen, T., & Rehbein, K. (2022). Does corporate hypocrisy predict when firms will shirk remedy responses for human rights abuses? Academy of Management proceedings, 2022, Article 14326.


    • Olsen, T., Rehbein, K., Snelson-Powell, A. C., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. K. (2021). Business and human rights: How NGO orientation toward local communities shapes access to remedy. Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2021, Article 13390. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Olsen, T., Rehbein, K., Snelson-Powell, A., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. K. (2020). Stigma and firm reactivity: Understanding the drivers of human rights policy adoption at MNEs. Academy of Management proceedings, 2020(1), Article 14046.


    • Rehbein, K., Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., Perrault Crawford, E., & De Silva Leonel, R. (2019). Social activism through e-petitions: Predicting activists' targeting petitions and firm responses. Academy of Management proceedings, 2019(1), Article 11301.


    • Perrault Crawford, E., Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., & Rehbein, K. (2018). Social activism through e-petitions: Explaining targeting decisions and corporate responses. Academy of Management proceedings, 2018(1), Article 16568.
    • Westermann-Behaylo, M. K. (2018). [Review of: A. Rühmkorf (2015) Corporate Social Responsibility, Private Law and Global Supply Chains]. Business and Human Rights Journal, 3(1), 149-151. [details]
    • Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., Olsen, T., Rehbein, K., & Snelson-Powell, A. (2018). Uncovering pathways to remedy for corporate human rights abuses. Academy of Management proceedings, 2018(1), Article 11354.


    • Rehbein, K., Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., Olsen, T., & Snelson-Powell, A. (2017). Business and human rights: Policy and practice in the oil and gas industry. Academy of Management proceedings, 2017(1), Article 10774.


    • Olsen, T., Rehbein, K., & Westermann-Behaylo, M. K. (2016). Business and human rights: Decoupling policy from practice in the oil and gas sector. Academy of Management proceedings, 2016(1), Article 10675.


    • Westermann-Behaylo, M. K., Rehbein, K., & Fort, T. (2013). Business diplomacy: Pursuing public and private benefits and promoting dispute resolution. Academy of Management proceedings, 2013(1), Article 15211.




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