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Dr. C.M. (Carina) Thuerridl

Assistant Professor of Marketing
Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Marketing

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Room number: 2.44
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
Contact details
  • About

    Carina Thürridl joined Amsterdam Business School as an Assistant Professor of Marketing in July 2019.

    Her research is situated in the area of consumer behavior and particularly focuses on issues related to sustainability and consumer well-being. She is interested in how marketing can be leveraged to stimulate consumers to consume more responsibly, e.g., by purchasing repurposed instead of brand-new products or incorporating zero waste behaviors into their lifestyle, and in how and when the behavior of others guides people’s sustainable consumption decisions. Her work has been published in several leading marketing journals including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Interactive Marketing.

    Prior to joining the University of Amsterdam, she completed her PhD in Marketing at WU Vienna University of Economics in Business. She holds a Master degree in International Economics and Business from the University of Innsbruck.

  • Teaching
    • MSc BA: Track Coordinator Digital & Consumer Marketing (program page)
    • MSc BA: Consumer Research in Marketing (6314M0373Y), course coordinator
    • EPMS: Advanced Management Research Methods (6614ZB057Y), lecturer
  • Publications




    • Thuerridl, C., Kamleitner, B., Ruzeviciute, R., Süssenbach, S., & Dickert, S. (2020). From happy consumption to possessive bonds: When positive affect increases psychological ownership for brands. Journal of Business Research, 107, 89-103. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Thürridl, C., & Kamleitner, B. (2016). What Goes Around Comes Around? Rewards as Strategic Assets in Crowdfunding. California Management Review, 58(2), 88-110.


    • Hautz, J., Füller, J., Hutter, K., & Thürridl, C. (2014). Let users generate your video ads? The impact of video source and quality on consumers' perceptions and intended behaviors. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28(1), 1-15.



    Prize / grant

    • Thuerridl, C. & Mattison Thompson, F. (2021). A Sustainable Future (ASF) Research Grant.
    • Thuerridl, C. (2020). A Sustainable Future (ASF) Research Grant.
    • Ruzeviciute, R. & Thuerridl, C. (2020). A Sustainable Future (ASF) Research Grant.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities