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Dr J.M.C. (Jonathan) Sitruk

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Room number: 1.11
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I am an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Amsterdam. My research interest revolves around how sociological and cognitive elements influence entrepreneurial performance in new fundraising approaches. In my research, I combine novel data collection and analysis with rigorous econometric methods to gain a better understanding of the underlying causal relationship. As part of my data collection and analysis, I collected primary data via a web crawler and applied machine learning semantic analysis approaches using the programming language Python. I also used an Amazon Mechanical Turk experiment in one of the papers and have used Qualtrics to analyze data that will be used in a future project. Key words: Entrepreneurship Crowdfunding Categorization Machine Learning, Python, Semantic Analysis Organizational Identity.

  • Publications


    • Lee, T., & Sitruk, J. M. C. (2025). Setting an Example for the "Sharing Economy" Category: The Double-Edged Sword of Exemplars. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 39(1), 152-180.
    • Sitruk, J. M. C., Grodal, S., Suarez, F., & Dibiaggo, L. (2025). Emotional brightness and crowdfunding performance. Research Policy, 54(1), Article 105094.



    • Prayag, G., Khoo-Lattimore, C., & Sitruk, J. M. C. (2015). Casual dining on the French Riviera: Examining the relationship between visitors’ perceived quality, positive emotions, and behavioral intentions. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 24(1), 24-46.


    • Esposito, C. D., Wijnberg, N., Szatmari, B., & Sitruk, J. (2022). Getting off to a Good Start: Emerging Scientific Fields and External Financing. Academy of Management proceedings, 2022, Article 10710.
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  • Ancillary activities
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