Victor Maas is Professor of Accounting at the University of Amsterdam. He earned his PhD at the University of Amsterdam in 2007, and worked at Erasmus University Rotterdam before returning to Amsterdam as full professor in 2014.
He teaches financial accounting, management accounting, judgment and decision making, and experimental research methods in undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs. In his research, he investigates how economic, cognitive, and social factors jointly determine the behavior of accountants, employees, and managers. His main research interests include discretionary performance evaluation processes and strategic and dysfunctional behavior in organizations.
Victor has published in journals such as Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting Organizations & Society, Behavioral Research in Accounting, European Accounting Review, Management Accounting Research and the Journal of Business Ethics. He currently is the Senior Editor of Behavioral Research in Accounting. He is also on the editorial board of several other journals, including The Accounting Review, Accounting Organizations & Society, Accounting and Business Research and Management Accounting Research. From 2014 till 2023 he was associate editor of the European Accounting Review.
Victor holds an adjunct position at NHH (Bergen, Norway). He also is the coordinator of the European Network for Experimental Accounting Research (ENEAR) and the Chair of the Ethics Committee for research in Economics and Business (EBEC) at the University of Amsterdam.
Working papers are available on SSRN or upon request.
Victor teaches financial accounting, management accounting, judgment and decision making, and experimental research methods in undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs.
Financial Accounting 1 for Economics (BSc EBE)
Judgment & Decision Making in Financial Management (MSc A&C)