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For whom?

Ideal for aspirational entrepreneurs and project managers seeking to master the art of business planning, especially those with early-stage ideas or who aim to enhance their entrepreneurial skills.

Need help? 

Reach out to us for questions about this course or our transportation and accommodation options. We respond within 3 business days. 

Jannice Daha
Manager Executive Education 
T: +31 (0)6 4834 9056 

Why join this masterclass?

Practical approach

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Participants will engage in a mix of theory and practical sessions. These cover: identifying business opportunities and conducting industry analyses, to designing business models and writing comprehensive business plans.

Expert-led insights

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The masterclass is conducted by experienced professionals, offering valuable insights from academia and industry experience.

Interactive and collaborative

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The masterclass includes interactive sessions where participants can pitch their ideas, gain valuable feedback, and engage in insightful discussions with peers and mentors.

Get feedback on your business plan

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Attendees have the opportunity to receive personalised feedback on their business plans even after the masterclass.

What will you learn?

  1. Identifying profitable business opportunities and conducting thorough industry analyses.
  2. Implementing effective feasibility analysis to evaluate business viability.
  3. Designing detailed, well-organised business models for operational success.
  4. Developing marketing strategies and advertising tools for business promotion.
  5. Crafting a comprehensive business plan to attract financial resources and guide co-founders or investors.
Teaching staff
  • Angelo Tomaselli

    Angelo Tomaselli is an Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Amsterdam Business School. He worked on business project development at Monte Dei Paschi Banking Group and CRIF Decision Solutions. 


Fees vary depending on when you sign up.

  Tuition* Application deadline Start date
Early bird fee €1,950 15 August 2024 4 November 2024
Standard fee €2,290 3 November 2024 4 November 2024

* The fee is VAT-exempt.

Alumni get a 10% discount

UvA Alumni receive a 10% discount on the standard fee. Please note that this discount cannot be combined with the early bird discount.