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This module consists of three units with two learning outcomes each. Each learning outcome will be covered by the related assessment criteria (weighting indicated in brackets).

By the end of this module you should be able to:

Unit 1: Situation analysis

  • Understand how to analyse an organisation’s current and future external environment (15%). 
  • Understand how to analyse an organisation’s current and future internal environment (15%). 

Unit 2: Planning 

  • Analyse relevant information to recommend and inform strategic decision making (20%). 
  • Develop a strategic marketing plan to realise organisational objectives (20%). 

Unit 3: Implementation and control 

  • Manage resources to deliver the strategic marketing plan (15%).
  • ​Monitor, measure and adapt the marketing plan for continuous improvement (15%). 

Assessment: Extended answer test (A three hour examination) 

Extended answer questions with preparatory work.


Each module consists of three separate day-long Friday sessions at the University of Amsterdam Business School and will take about 3 months to complete (estimated 100-150 study hours). The full qualification usually takes about 15 months to complete.

Next to the small group sessions with fellow professionals, you will be assigned a tutor who will help you to prepare your company projects or exams. They guide you through the whole course up until the examination.

During the whole course you will have access to the online marketing platform of the Cambridge Marketing College, where you can find all sessions also in webinar form as well as a plethora of marketing knowledge and tools that can help you to improve your assignments and your skills on the topics of each module.