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Graham Doyle

'I learned about various ‘levels’ of culture. Depending on what ‘lens’ one uses to look at it, there may be differences, or there may be no difference at all. This is a comforting perspective.'

Joris den Breejen – Spatial Planning Advisor & Chair Study Committee at TenneT TSO & CIGRE

'I work across various cultures in the Netherlands, and through CIGRE with various cultures across the world, so knowledge and insights on how to collaborate with other cultures is fundamental to success. Even though most of my work is done in the Netherlands, within the country there are various subcultures, and it is important to be aware of that, especially for someone coming from Amsterdam. I decided to participate in this masterclass to gain more awareness about the differences between cultures.

I very much enjoyed studying at the Amsterdam Business School. The professor was inspiring, and she had broad, up-to-date knowledge on the subject. She gave interesting examples and allowed for discussion between the various participants. She was able to add to these discussions in a valuable way by sharing her knowledge and expertise on the subject. I experienced the masterclass as very valuable, inspirational and most importantly, very fun.

I learned about various ‘levels’ of culture. Depending on what ‘lens’ one uses to look at it, there may be differences, or there may be no difference at all. This is a comforting perspective. Additionally, I’ve learned about the self, and myself, and how I can critically reflect on my own self. Finally, I’ve learned to combine both, in order to further fortify my cross-cultural collaboration skills.

The other participants proved to be excellent discussion partners (coming from a broad range of cultures across the world). Moreover, the study materials (slides and books) were a perfect addition to what was told, both by the students and by the teacher. I also gained insights into my personal psychology, not just my professional psychology. How can you integrate into a new culture? I have various international friends, so this provided some valuable insights. All in all, these factors combined made for 2 very rewarding days.

I believe anyone should do this masterclass, if only to increase one's self awareness. Self awareness is after all the basis on which one can collaborate with others. Additionally, the masterclass will broaden your general world perspective, which in an ever more intertwined world, is key to future success, and most likely, future happiness.'